Mesa/Peavey/SSD 2.0 Content - New Fallen Fate Track!!

my best recommendation to you is to find a band's sound that you like and compare your mixes. it would require you doing small samples of your guitar tone in a mix, comparing, redoing it, compare continue until you get something that is as close as possible. .

Yep done all that through the multitracks of Devildriver, Testament and the likes. At first I thought it was just a few tweaks but one thing leads too another, with taking the top off the guitars everything else needs fixing in order to sit right, eg snare.

My ears are shot after tweaking for about 8 hours now, so im doing no more tonight, too me the guitars need to come up.
a few things i can add. along with bringing up the guitars, you should mess around with reverb on the vocals. not much, it just seems that the entire band has some room to it and the vocals sound really isolated.

with the gain, its all your preference, imo i see that it could be brought up a tad, as i said before this would totally require you to redo the guitars. when you bring the gain up a little bit more than what you have, the fundamentals of the notes are going to sustain more, and then the guitar will become a little bit smother on the ending and during the sustain. if you add more gain and you loose the sharpness of your attack its too much, you just need enough to smooth out the post attack areas. during the palm muting parts the guitar will still sustain in a desired way as i have heard from the way you are playing it. it will make the overall sound heavier and meatier and help relieve the nasally sound that happens sometimes. just use that as a future reference when your doing a new song, check it out and see if it works for you...or not, trying new things never hurts, you can learn a lot from stepping out of your normal comfort zone. Hell i found out that i prefer the AC120 cab impulse for my guitars, a vintage cab, and it makes my signature guitar tone. And prior to, i avoided vintage gear becuase i thought that there was no reason for me to use any of it.
Bloody hell :|:OMG::OMG::OMG: I never thought id hear it!

Im glad I found the culprit to the "thin" guitars at least! Come back tommorow and ill sort the level's out etc :hotjump:

Thanks for your help :Smokedev:

hey just trying to help you be the best. honestly i wish that i knew someone or some site like this when i started that stayed on my ass, guiding me to be the best. Instead i spent my time i should have been practicing learning from trial and error to get a good recorded tone.

i wish i had your guitar skills, but like i said i spent my time being a AE rather than practice.
What'd you do to fatten up the guitars/mix? I'm having a similar problem with guitars in a mix I'm doing.

I took off the higher boosts I had going on, well lowered them, dropped my 8k boost done to about 1.5db and I had a small shelf just adding a bit of brightness to them overall, I took that off. Just sticking with the 5khz area for the bite arm. Seems like the bass sits in better now with the guitars not being as bright as they aren't fighting to fill the lower area of the guitars.

Simple things do the trick it seems :P Ill post another version later, happy medium.