Mesa Recording vs Engl e530 Preamp


how do clip woodz ?
Dec 27, 2006
Hi, I’m currently in a dilemma, let me explain.

I’m planning on short term to buy a guitar preamp for recording and using impulses engines. So far I spotted two preamp which would satisfy my taste ; an Engl e530 and a Mesa boogie Recording Preamp. I have heard some recordings using gh’s impulses and the Engl e530 and I really dig it (thanks to Kazrog) . But anyone heard or recorded guitar sound samples using mesa recording preamp. I would like to know which would be the best.

I’m into Soilwork, Mercenary, In Flames musical genre. So what would the Sneapsters would recommend me to get ? Engl, mesa or other preamp ?

I think the Mesa recording preamp is designed to do some on board cheesy cab simulation. If that can be disabled, and then run into impulses, then perhaps it could sound convincing. For the most part the reviews I've seen here about the Mesa recording preamp have been negative.
If you can afford the mesa preamp, why don't you buy the ENGL E570 midi preamp instead of the e530? The E570 is pretty much the Engl SE in a midi preamp form and it's like having all the good ENGL amps.
the Mesa is a GREAT preamp (live-use or used with impulses),....forget about the rec-outs though.
for the use with impulses I'd definitely prefer the Mesa .

tbh the Savage, the blackmore and the cabs are the only things I like from ENGL

When the modern mode on the recto pre is enabled the modern voicing simulation for the speaker simulation outputs are also put on the regular outputs (!!!!). So when running the recto pre into a poweramp in a live situation you cannot use the modern mode cause it will sound very horrible.

The actual modern vocing in a recto is generated by negative feedback in the poweramp section, and the "simulated by eq filters" modern voicing in the recto pre does not sound as huge as the original but has thin-lows instead. The recto pre has a modern jack to switch on the modern mode on a Mesa poweramp but this will result in "simulated modern voicing" from the preamp + "real modern vocing" from the poweramp wich is gonna sound suuuper fissy.

For some reason the manual does not say this and it seems like a horrible complete design flaw. Wanna use the recto pre in a live situation then use the orange channel and crank the precense. If you have a Mesa poweramp turn on the modern voicing in it with a pedal for a Red/Modern'ish sound, just dont run the preamp in modern mode.

Mesa does not admit this, and nor does any retailer, but it is reality.
The actual modern vocing in a recto is generated by negative feedback in the poweramp section
AFAIK, the Modern voicing on a Recto is generated DISCONNECTING the negative feedback from the power amp section (just check the schematics)...
The presence knob still works but becomes a passive control like the controls on the tonestack...
So I don't see any reason why it should have a "simulated filter", since on the modern mode, there is no feedback to simulate in the first place...:goggly:

Is this "simulated filter" thing written somewhere in the manual?
he's right, there's no neg. feedback on the modern rec.
the speakersim is only on the rec-outs, the modern mode works perfectly fine in a live situation!

the only problem is (and that's where the shitty sound comes in):
the master-volum must not be higher than 1:00 or the sound becomes horribly thin and compressed because some components are overdriven...THAT is a design-flaw
thanks for those infos on mesa recording pre, it's better listen to you guys than a seller who don't have a clue about what I want to do with this stuff.

Is there a problem using those live to output (in both case) and route them to my soundcard or will I need a DI or Preamp to do so ?
There is indeed a modern-mode voicing simulation aplied the non-recording outputs too when using the modern mode.

Now you know, don't say I did not warn you. The manual does not confirm this, but your ears will when AB'ing to a regular 3ch recto.

Compare 3ch fx send to recto pre live out, you'll see.

In short, Mesa fucked up.
Ed, I trust in your abilities to dial in an amp and your judgement of a good tone, so I'm really surprised the Savage hasn't blown you away - I only played one once in a German music store, but I've heard SO many awesome clips (both on albums and here) that it's a personal dream amp of mine.
I had it for a while in here, and it sounded good, but for me it doesn't quite saturate enough - it always felt like it had more of a crunch than a nice smooth distortion. With a 6505 or Mesa, or even Krank I can get both sounds. I heard some good clips here, but there was still some stuff inherent in the tone that I can hear in the clips and when I play. Maybe I need more time with it though....

That said the ENGL looks damn nice, and has a lot of switches. To me it just seems like ENGL amps are great for having unique tones, but I wouldn't recommend it being your only amp. I'm sure there are those that will disagree with me, I'm just stating my experience and current opinion of them. Also check out what Andy and Mark (axeman720) have said about ENGL's....
it always felt like it had more of a crunch than a nice smooth distortion. With a 6505 or Mesa, or even Krank I can get both sounds.

I'm after crunchier tones for rythm more than nice smooth distortion, and actually my SE seems to do both quite well.
I mainly use channel 3 (hi gain / modern) with gain at 9'o'clock for crunchy rythm, but the channel 4 with let's say gain at 10'o'clock sounds really like a tone most of you "5150/Krank nice smooth distortion" maniacs would dig.

Next time i'll record some stuff with my SE (not before months though :) ) maybe i'll try to record clips showing those 2 different kind of sounds.
hello, I have a mesa boogie recto pre and a power amp mesa boogie 2:90. When I connect the two, the low sound very thin ....... someone knows how to make sounds like a dual or triple Rectifier?
hello, I have a mesa boogie recto pre and a power amp mesa boogie 2:90. When I connect the two, the low sound very thin ....... someone knows how to make sounds like a dual or triple Rectifier?

The modern-mode emulation in the recto pre is supposed to only affect the recoring outputs, but it affect the live outputs also wich makes it sound very thin, this is a design flaw and mesa does not admit it. Just stay away from the modern mode on the recto pre!

Use the Vintage/orange mode instead, mids at zero, treble at 11.30 o clock, bass at 2 o clock, precense at 3.30 o clock, gain at 1 o clock and use a proper tubescreamer with drive at zero, tone at 12 o clock at level at as much as needed.

As an alternative you can put the precense at 11.30 o clock and use the precense controll on the power amp instead.

This should sound good!
thank you very much ......... I will try but I do not have a tubescreamer.

if active modes (deep, half drive, modern) of the power amp ...... sounds better?
The modern-mode emulation in the recto pre is supposed to only affect the recoring outputs, but it affect the live outputs also wich makes it sound very thin, this is a design flaw and mesa does not admit it. Just stay away from the modern mode on the recto pre!

Use the Vintage/orange mode instead, mids at zero, treble at 11.30 o clock, bass at 2 o clock, precense at 3.30 o clock, gain at 1 o clock and use a proper tubescreamer with drive at zero, tone at 12 o clock at level at as much as needed.

As an alternative you can put the precense at 11.30 o clock and use the precense controll on the power amp instead.

This should sound good!

dude............mids at 0? you better mean 12 o'clock by that. Or is this pre incredibly mid heavy