Hey guys, did a reamp session the other day and got some cool sounds so I ran some sweeps through the cab in order to make some impulses! (props to Jeronimo Mora for deconvolving them for me!)
Peavey 6505 poweramp
Allen & Heath Zed R16 mic pre
Mic's are:
Shure SM57 On Axis
Shure SM57 Off Axis
Shure SM7B
Sennheiser MD421 (Vintage)
Plus pre-made pairs:
SM57 On & SM7B
SM57 On & MD421
SM57 Off & MD421
SM57 On & Off (Off Axis down about -10dB for this one)
Here's the impulses:
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1949675/Trevoire520 8 Mesa Impulses.zip
Hope you guys like them. If anyone feels these impulses have changed their life then feel free to send a few quid my way via paypal gift
Trevoire520 AT aol.com
Peavey 6505 poweramp
Allen & Heath Zed R16 mic pre
Mic's are:
Shure SM57 On Axis
Shure SM57 Off Axis
Shure SM7B
Sennheiser MD421 (Vintage)
Plus pre-made pairs:
SM57 On & SM7B
SM57 On & MD421
SM57 Off & MD421
SM57 On & Off (Off Axis down about -10dB for this one)
Here's the impulses:
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1949675/Trevoire520 8 Mesa Impulses.zip
Hope you guys like them. If anyone feels these impulses have changed their life then feel free to send a few quid my way via paypal gift
