Mesa Roadking Cab


Jun 24, 2009
Virginia Beach, VA
I noticed the design of the cab is a open back/closed back hybrid where the open back side has Black Shadow speakers? and the closed back has V30's. Has anyone have any experience with these? Sound good in recordings? Live?

the black shadows is mesa's speakers there just regular v30's that are voiced a lil darker.

Nah dude, it's actually the V30s in Mesa cabs that are slightly-darker V30s, the Black Shadows are more closely related to Celestion CL80's, which are speakers I'm not too crazy about tbh
Sorry for the necro bump. Has anyone done much recording with the roadking cab? The flexibility is intriguing to me.
If I remember correctly, the 'flexibility' when you open the back of that cab is for vintage/clean sounds.

Having said that, fwiw I have a Roadster (not a Roadking), so don't quote me on it.
I was interested in it too and I found this here:

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