Mesa Roadster 180 out of phase


Aug 26, 2007
Perth, Western Australia
Was doing some reamping today, and when I got to blending the Mesa with either the Diezel Herbert or 5150 that sounded lovely together, I noticed the volume drop in half and the tone suck balls.

Naturally I checked the waveforms and to my surprise, 180 out of phase.

Same cab, same mics as per the last amp I ran through it with nothing moved or changed. I've never experienced this before, tube issue?

Every gain stage flips the phase, so depending on if the amp has an odd or even number of gain stages you'll have the phase flipped or not.
Totally normal

Yes this is completely normal. If you read the instruction manual of your amplifier it will usually tell you how and why the polarity is flipped in certain situations. My Mark V lists at least one or two scenarios where the setup can flip the polarity (for example engaging/ bypassing the FX loop flips it), incase you're running two amps on stage or something.

Good thing you have a polarity reverse button in the old DAW!
But I thought you couldn't get phase issues unless it was multiple mics on the same source?

More than one track one the same guitar part (reamped) will definitely give you issues if they arent lined up properly...