Mesa boogie Roadster


Sep 25, 2011
Hello all. I jsut bought a mesa boogie roadster 2. It's the multiwatt 4 channel head. I Also got the over sized mesa cab. Quick question. i Had a line 6 bogner head, and it allowed you to use a midi cable and download patches to the head. These where great because they where good starting points. Is there a good siste with mesa tone settings to try different starting points, and then go from there? I know i should be good enough that i don't need those ,but i am not there yet. I am working towards it, but the mesa is a bit tricky for me. I haven't really found a tone that works for me, but i know it can because every band i love use them. i also have an ibanez tube screamer. Once i get the 4 channels set up the way i like i will add int he g system. Thanks for any advice in advance. oh i have a les paul with emg 81 and 85.
well, you def can't download patches for it if that was your question...
also everybody is gonna tell you you should learn to find your own tone etc. which is probably true but you could try sneaps rectifier settings for example maybe it points you in a direction you like.