meshuggah attacked on stage

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~Neurotica said:

they forgot to put a few bullets in her forehead though...

they should have. she was being a pain in the ass. she got knocked out in the pit (her head hit hard) when she went down earlier that night too. she was also there doing a Brujeria show a few months before and they let her get away with it.

she was just some stupid ass drunk chick that really had no business being there. when you're as drunk as she was, that's when the person becomes a liability.
E6V6I6L said:
they should have. she was being a pain in the ass. she got knocked out in the pit (her head hit hard) when she went down earlier that night too. she was also there doing a Brujeria show a few months before and they let her get away with it.

she was just some stupid ass drunk chick that really had no business being there. when you're as drunk as she was, that's when the person becomes a liability.
LISTEN BRUV AND LISTEN WELL if paddy seen a guy hitting a chick he would batter that guy and he would not get up again he would leave the concert hall in a body bag!!!!!!!!!!!!
metal paddy said:
LISTEN BRUV AND LISTEN WELL if paddy seen a guy hitting a chick he would batter that guy and he would not get up again he would leave the concert hall in a body bag!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nah, there are chicks who deserve much more kicks in the head than one, paddy. Even if she is a woman, - fuck it, - woman shouldn't drink like a bull.
So hurray!
Haha...that's not even Meshuggah. That must have been an alt-rock band or something. Pretty tough though. If that was Meshuggah they would have beaten back the crowd with a pure sonic bombardment.
E6V6I6L said:
last time i saw Deeds Of Flesh one of the guys (i think it was Jacoby) got sucker punched by some dude for kicking his drunk girlfriend off the stage. i was probably 20 feet away and could hear them yelling at her to get the fuck off the stage. she wouldn't listen so they booted her.

anyways, he got busted open a bit but after taking a few minute break he was back up there. security almost beat the shit out of the dude that hit him.

If I saw someone attack Deeds of Flesh, I would swing at them with keys between my knuckles. That bitch should have gotten beat up by security too.
If some female got on stage while my band was playing I would not mind and just look at her tits while playing my guitar. People get into music and get on the stage. big fucking deal

Anyone who boots a female off a stage deserves to get punched in the face.
The Greys said:
If some female got on stage while my band was playing I would not mind and just look at her tits while playing my guitar. People get into music and get on the stage. big fucking deal

Anyone who boots a female off a stage deserves to get punched in the face.

It depends on what she was doing on stage. If she's just hanging out, that's cool, but if she was interfering with the musicians, they have the right to kick her ass off. From what people are saying about her, I'm sure her stupid drunk ass was getting in the way. They also told her to get off stage before they kicked her off.
Nevertheless, Deeds of Flesh look like a band who could take care of themselves.

Anyone figured out who the band is that got smashed?
AgoliantLives said:
It depends on what she was doing on stage. If she's just hanging out, that's cool, but if she was interfering with the musicians, they have the right to kick her ass off. From what people are saying about her, I'm sure her stupid drunk ass was getting in the way. They also told her to get off stage before they kicked her off.

stop saying ASS man what the hell!?!!?!?!?!?!
~Neurotica said:
And you know why?...

yea didnt sound like them, but none the less, I personally think its fucked up to beat any band when they are playing on stage....except for a really gay band like Green Day who will probably cry after you beat their ass, heh
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