meshuggah attacked on stage

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Maybe it's actually meshuggah and they were yiddish for calm that night(whatever that is) because the soccer fans were meshuggah, they took the insanity so meshuggah lost their yiddish.
E6V6I6L said:
last time i saw Deeds Of Flesh one of the guys (i think it was Jacoby) got sucker punched by some dude for kicking his drunk girlfriend off the stage. i was probably 20 feet away and could hear them yelling at her to get the fuck off the stage. she wouldn't listen so they booted her.

anyways, he got busted open a bit but after taking a few minute break he was back up there. security almost beat the shit out of the dude that hit him.

He kicked a woman?? Christ.
Yeah, not right to kick a woman, drunk or not

If her boyfriend was there he must be a dumbass anyway for letting her get drunk and go on the stage of a brutal death metal band. The cunt
I think he meant she got the metaphorical "boot"

but it wouldn't surprise me if Deeds of Flesh did actually kick a chick
metal_wrath said:
Yeah, not right to kick a woman, drunk or not

A deaf woman is about to stab you in the chest with a rather large knife, you are an armless man and have only one leg (equipped with a size 20 foot in a boot). Your head is tied down, so you can't headbutt her. You also have don't have a knee cap due to a hopping accident when you were 12, therefore no kneeing.

How do you stop her? Is it wrong to kick her?
metal_wrath said:
Yeah, not right to kick a woman, drunk or not
Well, its just that some women do idiotic things, thinking that they are women - and thats why they wont be kicked for that. Seriously. And they arent supposed to be "punished" doing shit, but when a guy doing the same shit - he's gonna be smashed? WTF! Learn to take responsibility for your own fucking ass and things you do, no matter if you are a he or a she. If she's got drunk and end up bitching with those guys, ignoring what they were saying to her - she is a fucking moron and her idea "im a hot chick and im not gonna be kicked so I can do what I want" failed. So she deserves nothing else but to be fucking smashed.

metal_wrath said:
If her boyfriend was there he must be a dumbass anyway for letting her get drunk and go on the stage of a brutal death metal band. The cunt
OMG, you just described me, right down to the missing knee cap. I am literally falling out of my wheelchair right now!!!! Very Funny guy you are!!! Hahahahahahah.
~Neurotica said:
Well, its just that some women do idiotic things, thinking that they are women - and thats why they wont be kicked for that. Seriously. And they arent supposed to be "punished" doing shit, but when a guy doing the same shit - he's gonna be smashed? WTF! Learn to take responsibility for your own fucking ass and things you do, no matter if you are a he or a she. If she's got drunk and end up bitching with those guys, ignoring what they were saying to her - she is a fucking moron and her idea "im a hot chick and im not gonna be kicked so I can do what I want" failed. So she deserves nothing else but to be fucking smashed.
I disagree. I've ALWAYS been told that it isn't right to hit ANYONE unless they are being violent with you. I know that is bullshit, but in the case of a woman you have no reason resorting to violence and you will probably get arrested anyway. I don't know but, maybe woman have much less respect for other woman, no sense of unity :lol:
Regardless what you can't hit a women. that is the rules

Unless she was trying to kill you with an axe. Responding to a situation with violence is not solving anything. violence demenstrates stupidity.
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