Meshuggah - obZen

gojira sounds like they ripped off morbid angel (check out the similarities between gateways to annihilation and from mars to sirus), that being said - i dig gojira. anyone with half the IQ of your average lamp can tell that meshuggah has one of the most talented drummers metal has ever seen. period. fredrik thordendal is an extremely good guitarist. i liked obzen a lot: far more than catch 33, almost as much as chaosphere, and just a little more than nothing. the guitar tones have this electric sound to them that combined with the down tuning, almost blew out my speakers. sounds a lot like ion dissonance.

there are bands out there that are "good" because they can play really fast and know how to be heavy as fuck. there are other bands that people call "good" because they are very musically inclined (and also know how to be heavy). i don't know if it's cool around here to hate meshuggah, i feel sorry though for the people that think it is.
weston cage has a black metal band!?!

His soon to be Step-Father is Shagrath. :err:

Meshugga...I'd rather smash my face into a wall of napalm.

More devastation, less 'talent' please.

Yep, that's my contribution to this discussion.
Dude, Scepter of The Ancients is one of my favorite DM albums of all time. From what I have heard of the last 2 albums with the new vocalist though, not as good. And from what I remember, the production went the way of that polished, plastic, clicky, pro-tools sound. I saw they are releasing a new one soon. I'll check out the above song in a bit.
that song is freaking awesome, its off the upcoming new one ... never heard these guys before, where should I start?

did you try ULCERATE yet? or have you been avoiding it simply because I reco'd them? I think that you would dig them ... a lot.

I'll listen to the above in a bit. Once my dinner is warmed up and my vodka is chilled.
Didn't listen yet. Busy watching hipster and war tv shows. Rejoining netflix I think will do me bad.