Meshuggah Obzen amps?

I was in Australia with them last year and they were just using AxeFx's. They said they basically went into the studio and set up a bunch of mic's and moved them around til they were happy..then made an impulse.
meshuggahs one of those it just doesn't matter how good the production is. shitty sound is kind of their trademark anyway. it makes the music heavier somehow knowing it sounds heavy without and good sound. weird but it makes sense to me.

i feel that way about lamb of god, especially "as the palaces burn" it's a pretty shitty engineering job all the way around but it has the heaviest attitude.
I like the guitar and production on that album! I love metal! But hate most metal bands... they bore the shit out of me. Meshuggah is one of the few metal bands that don't!
I really like the sound of that album (not to mention the songs); it fits their style well, though I agree it's a thin and harsh mix, and a bit of low end wouldn't hurt its integrity.