Excuse me, I had to make a Tully style thread. Why? Because I was jamming out to some Meshuggah and then showed my friends the LETHAL video so we're all drunk thrash metal terrorists, at least for the time being. Honestly though, I'm only making this thread to see how long I can talk some coherent shit. I have a shit office job where I have to dress like a JEW to attend, and then today when I had to take a 2 hour lunch to do the IMPORTANT SHIT LIKE INTERVIEW FUCKING MESHUGGAH they said "what'd you do, take a fuckin' nap?!?!" but they don't know I just had to talk to one of the most important bands in the past 25 years, that's all. NO BIG FUCKIN' WHOOP. But see, that's what Corporate God Damn America will do to you man, they'll try and suck you in just like a fuckin Hoover crossed with a pig (without the bodacious bacon and pork chop qualities), and turn you into a fucking SYCOPHANT. Once again, why am I saying this? I have no fucking idea. I warned in an earlier post that yes, I would be drinking rye whiskey tonight which is FAR BEYOND any type of whiskey you Euroniggers have tried, fucking trust my beer swilling arse on that one. This shit is harsh, LITTLE KIDS, but it gets the fuckin' job done. If in fact the job is to get FUCKED UP BEYOND BELIEF. God damn, I gotta tell you foolz how wonderful the CAPS FUCKIN' LOCK KEY can be, when you're hosed, it gets the point A-FUCKIN-CROSS. But anyhow, I have to go back to watching The Stoned Age with my bros now, and then maybe bust out some ganj and really get this party started.
Haven't made a drunk thread/post in awhile, GOOD TIMES, peace, love, METAL, recycle. Cheers.

Haven't made a drunk thread/post in awhile, GOOD TIMES, peace, love, METAL, recycle. Cheers.