Message Board bugs.


Metal addict
Sep 13, 2002
I have noticed a few bugs on this message board, sometimes when I've written to a thread I can't submit my reply, it just want me to log in again, and then my reply disappeirs, anyone recognize this? Maybe it's just my bugged computer:lol:
Reply Vince! And others!
It happened again!!! I'm pretty tired of this stuff now, and I cleared my cookies but it didn't work:confused:
happens to me all the time,,,,,, been having to get a new password god knows how many times,,,,, sometimes i just get fed up trying and leave,,,,, i just thought it must be me! illiterate!.lol seems to be working ok today though....
Here I am again.
As yo see I have posted three empty threads on this board, only with threadname. What happened was that I tried to submit the thread, but it didn't work, I tried and tried, and at last I rebooted my computer ( Yes I tried to clear cookies). After rebooting this three threads came up!
Thsi is getting VERY wierd! :lol: :) :cry: :s :erk:
What the hell is going on?? One day, I can "post" away to my hearts content, the next I can't!! The other day, I could post at about 6pm, but when I tried later the same night, it wouldn't let me!! Then for the last two days, I've had no joy with it! I'm not impressed, I can tell ya! :mad: :confused: :bah: :Shedevil:
Loads of people are having problems it seems. I still can't post from my pc at home.

Vince - I never did hear from whoever you forwarded my email to at Ultimatemetal a couple of weeks ago. Something needs sorting out with all these problems.
Finally I think I figured (at least) my problem: I can't go and write just by entering saxon747 and log in at messageboard, I must enter via my email notification (when someone have replied on a thread I've replied on) otherwise it doesn't work. So far that way has worked out exellent, no problem at all! :D