messagment from Iraq



hello I am called Khalid and I am internetting from Basra. thaank our holy Allah we are now free. Now the internet I am having and seeing boobies for the first time only!
maybe perhaps now that freedom in this country is having, our women will be allowed to how you say, shave their mustachios and the 'hair down there' I am sorry I know not how you call it, the public hair.
now I able am to hear metal oooorah! I am big fan of Metallica. how many hours have I listened quietly to Reload (quietly so because of illegal) and stroked my genitaliam, ever since seeing have seen photograf of hetfield kissing his band members.
perhaps now anal pleasurablility will be permitted.
updated coming soon.
Pyrus said:
Good shit.
I myself am having a good shit this evening. the iraqi people celebrate in the street I myself have several mens kiss me with there large mustaches so tingly I felt.
incredibel it is to have new metal friends. here my favorite band is so far, Pink Steel.
ah this halford you speak of. alread y have I emaled his web service to have nationwide tour of Iraq, to spread his legs no haha just how you know I am joking to spread his message of love to all manloving iraqi people.
khalid said:
ah this halford you speak of. alread y have I emaled his web service to have nationwide tour of Iraq, to spread his legs no haha just how you know I am joking to spread his message of love to all manloving iraqi people.
But my quess i do now know who it can be the only genius for this work, is utterly amazing he has got the accent down to a tee...


YOU WILL FIND SOME GEMS IN ALL THIS...even if one song wil be very commerical.