Met Steve last night...

Myke Havoc

Corpse W/Out Soul
Nov 29, 2004
Nashua, NH
Caught the Overkill/Forbidden gig last night. Excellent stuff! Got to finally meet Steve, who has always been one of my favorite guitarists. I really love what's he's brought to Forbidden. If you guys haven't checked out the new record Omega Wave yet, I highly recommend it. Anyway, we got to chatting about Nevermore, and he couldn't have been any more cordial and respectful. A stand up guy and quite the pro. I love Attila, but 'm pretty open about the TGE lineup being my favorite. They looked, sounded and played better then any other in my opinion. So this thread's for you, Steve!



Strangely enough, when I met Steve, he was eating tacos. Evile were nice enough to prepare food for the entire crew that evening and soft shell beef tacos were on the menu. They looked tasty, but as nice as Steve was, I doubt he would've shared any with me.
Thankfully, I've never actually seen the small of WD's back. Does he actually have a tramp stamp?
Not that there's anything terribly wrong with it. Plenty of musicians I admire made that mistake. Hell, Danzig has one.
Thankfully, I've never actually seen the small of WD's back. Does he actually have a tramp stamp?
Not that there's anything terribly wrong with it. Plenty of musicians I admire made that mistake. Hell, Danzig has one.

Yea, but isn't Danzig's a Sudoku puzzle so that when the guy from Northside Kings gets tired of ramming him in the ass, he has something to take his mind off of it?
"Investigators believe a backyard grill's hose leaked, catching the food on the grill on fire before the flames spread to the side of the house."

Kinda hard to prove a connection there, boys.