I went to a bachelor party last night.

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
My highschool phys ed teacher is getting married, and I was invited to the party and wedding. I got to his house at 6pm drank lots of beer, and ate lots of pasta. At 9pm, a limo showed up and took all of us to Caesars in Atlantic City. LOTS MORE BEER. I have been told that the following happened:

1. When we were on the boardwalk, I threw up all of my pasta... and immediately said "GENTLEMEN! To the other side of the boardwalk!"

2. Every girl I saw, I said that I was going to fuck them in the ass.

3. Every other word was "motherfucker". We all got cigars. My friend was going to light mine, then I ripped it in half. I said "LIGHT BOTH, MUTHAFUCKA!"

4. When we got back to the house, they started a bonfire. I danced around the fire.... AND MY HAIR CAUGHT ON FIRE

5. I passed out on the ground, and the dog came over and started humping me. Apparently, I kept punching the dog in the ribs.

It was a good night.
lighting your hair on fire produces just about the worst smell ever. I did it in a club once trying to light a cig while drunk out of my mind.

I've posted the ensuing he man haircut pics right?
Yeah, that smell is horrible... Went to a whorehouse in Hamburg last December and my buddy fell asleep and crashed with his head into a candle... "Dude, wake up! You're.. like... on fire and stuff...". Quite some stench...

And I hate it with a passion, when some drunken asshole burns your long hair, trying to smoke at a show while hardly being able to stand. Punches are imminent...