I had a flash knockout last night. It was scary.


Aug 30, 2001
I had just turned my computer off and was getting ready to go to bed for the night. As my PC powered off, I took one last pull from my beer and finished it. I stood up and took the bottle to the kitchen and set it on the counter. I then went straight to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Right when I got there I looked at myself in the mirror and started feeling a weird sensation in my stomach. I thought "hmm, that's a weird, unfamiliar feeling..." and then my head started to buzz a little bit and I got very light-headed, very quickly. I thought "OK let's go lay down" and walked out of the bathroom to my bedroom. In this very short time (maybe 2 seconds) between leaving the bathroom and getting to my bedroom it hit me very fast. I felt frantic as I reached my hand around the corner of my bedroom doorframe to turn on the light. As I grabbed the lightswitch, I remember thinking it felt oddly unfamiliar, like that's not how a lightswitch is supposed to feel.

The next thing I remember is waking up face down with a basket of clean laundry on top of me, and a throbbing pain on the right side of my face. I rolled over onto my back and propped my head up because that's what they always do to fighters when they get KO'd. My last conscious thought had been "what happened to this lightswitch?" My first conscious thought after I woke up was "holy shit I didn't even make it to my bed."

As I tried to turn my light on I passed out and fell face first into a clean basket of laundry I had set there earlier in the day. I'm pretty sure my face hit the edge of the basket, flipping it up and eventually on top of me as my body replaced the spot where it was. I came to instantly. In fact I think the noise of me crashing into the laundry basket is what woke me up. I laid there for about 10 minutes, mainly to let myself recuperate, but also because I was scared to try to stand up again. Eventually I did and my legs felt weak, like jello, but they worked. I walked around my apartment a couple times and felt fairly ok. After spending a half hour or so chilling on the couch, I finally went to bed.

I feel normal today, but very confused. Why did this happen? I did nothing out of the ordinary yesterday, ate nothing out of the ordinary. I did go on a decent walk earlier in the day, maybe 4 miles, but that's nothing unusual for me. I didn't drink a whole lot of water yesterday but again it's not out of the ordinary. Very confusing. My first thought was possibly bad sugar levels? There IS a small history of Diabetes in my family, although I just had a physical a month ago with lots of blood work done as well and everything came back fine.

And finally, in a completely ironic twist, the first thing I noticed when I rolled off of my face and onto my back and looked up after fainting was my heavy bag stand I have in my bedroom that's made by a company called "Technical Knockout" with stickers of those words all over it.
It could be low blood sugar. Once when I was younger I had a fever for a week and decided to go to school and while taking a piss in the morning, I got so fucking dizzy and I was like "I got this. Just finish pissing, walk slowly and lay down." Before I knew it I fucking hit my head on the corner of the counter :lol:! Gashed my head open (not badly)

All this with my pants down!
It's all fine and dandy to get our thoughts and opinions on what could have caused it, but yeah. You need to tell this to your doctor ASAP. :erk:
It's all fine and dandy to get our thoughts and opinions on what could have caused it, but yeah. You need to tell this to your doctor ASAP. :erk:

I intend to. Half the reason I typed this was so I would have it written out before I forgot any details.
I have nerve damage in my head which causes vertigo sometimes, this stuff is normal for me, though I rarely actually pass out... Just get terribly light headed and loose my balance, always end up on the floor.

Sounds like blood-sugar.
When you have hypotension (low blood pressure) it can also happen that you faint and lose your consciousness, because your brain doesn't get enough oxygen. Happens to my mom sometimes.. Sucks, but still big times better than hypertension (high blood pressure) which the rest of the family has.. (I think I'm rather prone to the first one.. so that's good..! I'm not gonna die of a heart attack! haha)
Oh no Kevin.... that's not good!
What did you have to eat that day ?
sometimes a really bad food poisoning can cause that (not all food ppisoning cause us to puke)
But for your system to shut down like that- is not good!
How are you feeling today ?
Oh no Kevin.... that's not good!
What did you have to eat that day ?
sometimes a really bad food poisoning can cause that (not all food ppisoning cause us to puke)
But for your system to shut down like that- is not good!
How are you feeling today ?
To be honest I don't remember what I ate, but I do know I ate something because that was one of the first things I thought about when trying to figure out what caused this. I do recall grubbing down on jalapeno chips right before it happened though. I also had a lot of caffeine and hardly any pure water that day so I think that played a factor as well. What Stephanie posted makes a lot of sense and I actually spoke with one of my friends yesterday who gets hypotension quite frequently. The symptoms he described sounded very familiar to my experience.

Today, 3 days later, I feel perfectly OK. I've been drinking a lot more water and watching what I eat a bit closer and so far, so good. After lots of research on the net, it appears this isn't all that uncommon, especially for people like me with low blood pressure to begin with.

I've also been thinking back to my past and realized that there are quite a few instances when I was younger that I fainted, although they all involved one aspect that this time didn't... my own blood. When I was young, I never dealt very well with seeing my own blood, especially from a decent wound. When I was maybe 10, I cut myself with a pocket knife at our property. As my dad was cleaning the cut I got light headed and fainted. When I was a junior in high school, I smashed one of my fingers in a castle machine in Cabinetmaking class and it bled a lot. I fainted as I was washing it out in the sink and hit my head on a porcelain water fountain on the way down. Another time when I was maybe 12 or 13, I fainted at the hospital when they shoved a needle in my arm to draw blood. Aaaand finally, when I was 21 and getting my first tattoos, I ALMOST fainted. I felt it coming on, told the artist and he stopped, got me some water and assured me that it's very common for that to happen to people getting their first tattoos.

So, there's always been a reason. I'm just not absolutely sure yet what it was this time. If it happens again any time soon, I'm going to the ER.
It doesn't bother me anymore unless I can't control it, which never happens. I got accidentally kicked in the nose at jiu-jitsu a few months ago and it started bleeding really good. I laughed and took pictures of it.