The new Kataklysm is much better than the Malevolent Creation record in my opinion. They're basically the same record in style but K has much better riffs, at least for me. Panopticon surprised me...I think it's a very strong record. Thy Catafalque and Temple of Baal possibly deserve a spot up there but not sure what I'd remove. And as much as I've plugged Alkaloid and Sulphur Aeon this year (deservedly so) when I think about it honestly I might have listened to Arena - The Unquiet Sky more than anything else this year, as far as start to finish sessions go. Weird for me because it's not a metal record at all, but damn is it great. It's like elegant, classy, progressive rock, catchy as hell but not in any commercial sense, and a total fucking ace record. They nailed it this year. What I'll do next week some time when I get around to it is post my favorite songs from 2015 in case anyone wants to check out some of these recommendations. I listened to a bunch of stuff this year in every genre that I'd love to share.