Metal 2015

1. Macabre Omen - "Gods of War - At War"
2. Magic Circle - "Journey Blind"
3. Mgla - "Exercises in Futility"
4. Archgoat - "The Apocalyptic Triumphator"
5. Ironsword - "None but the Brave"
6. Obsequiae - "Aria of Vernal Tombs"
7. Visigoth - "The Revenant King"
8. Crypt Sermon - "Out of the Garden"
9. Hammer King - "Kingdom of the Hammer King"
10. Manilla Road - "The Blessed Curse/After the Muse"

Thought I'd give my top 10 a little update. I am amazed at the lack of extreme metal that I actually listen to these days.
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No particular order, except Akhlys which is easily AOTY. I still need to check out a few other likely standouts like Mgla and Panopticon before putting together a final list.

Akhlys - The Dreaming I
Ghost - Meliora
Drudkh - A Furrow Cut Short
Spectral Lore - Gnosis
Sulphur Aeon - Gateway To The Antisphere
Misþyrming - Söngvar elds og óreiðu
Nile - What Should Not Be Unearthed
Ahab - The Boats of the Glen Carrig
Hermóðr - What Once Was Beautiful
Clutch - Psychic Warfare (not exactly metal, but close enough)
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Not sure yet about mine, at least not the order. It'll be something like:

Sulphur Aeon
Cain's Offering
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Yep. I haven't had as huge a hardon for an album since probably Wardruna's Yggdrasil.

I started listening to this the other day and stopped after a few tracks. I'm not really sure how to describe that album. Atmospheric experimental black folk metal?

I have no idea what mine will be because I'm revisiting all the 2015 albums right now. My top 10 might look something like this though:

Sulphur Aeon
Jungle Rot
Iron Maiden
Saxon (huge surprise here)
Malevolent Creation
That new Malevolent Creation album is that good?

Compared to everything else I listened to for 2015. Visigoth may make the list, but that album needs to be 12-15 minutes shorter I think. Black Fast may overtake it too, but I really like MC.

in before someone shits on my Jungle Rot choice
To me the weakest albums on your list are Panopticon, Gruesome, and Nile.

Gruesome didn't stick with me at all... Nile is Nile forever... The Panopticon album is the only one I think is flat out bad though. Their music comes off as poserish to me. Very hipster. I like weird bm but not fhem
To me the weakest albums on your list are Panopticon, Gruesome, and Nile.

I think the Nile is the best of the more recent albums to me. Gruesome will probably get switched out with Black Fast or something. I really dig the Panopticon project so yeah I was really digging the new album too..
This is what I've listened to that came out this year. The ones starred are either a compilation or EP, but I will rate the best of that 'miscellaneous' category as well (probably the Devoid comp).

A few of these are local bands so that might be why you don't recognize the names for some.

Horrendous - Anareta
George Kollias - Invictus
Panopticon - Autumn Eternal
Saxon - Battering Ram
Denner / Shermann - Satan's Tomb*
Malevolent Creation - Dead Man's Path
Slayer - Repentless
Iron Maiden - The Book of Souls
Nile - What Should Not Be Unearthed
Hate Eternal - Infernus
Black Fast - Terms of Surrender
Dark Soul - Same as It Never Was
Jungle Rot - Order Shall Prevail
Armored Saint - Win Hands Down
Hypothermia - Svartkonst
House of Atreus - The Spear and the Ichor That Follows
Gruesome - Savage Land
Sulphur Aeon - Gateway to the Antisphere
Alkaloid - The Malkuth Grimoire
Eternal Solstice - Remnants of Immortality
Invincible Force - Satan Rebellion Metal
Enslaved - In Times
Viking - No Child Left Behind
Koroidia - Wrath Abomination*
Visigoth - The Revenant King
Defaced - Forging the Sanctuary
Devoid - Return to the Void*
Split the Abyss - Otakus of Doom*
Black Trip 'Shadowline' and Archgoat for me, my other favourite releases of the year have been reissues mainly which has been the way for a couple of years now. I thought of a few others but they're 2014 releases.
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The new Kataklysm is much better than the Malevolent Creation record in my opinion. They're basically the same record in style but K has much better riffs, at least for me. Panopticon surprised me...I think it's a very strong record. Thy Catafalque and Temple of Baal possibly deserve a spot up there but not sure what I'd remove. And as much as I've plugged Alkaloid and Sulphur Aeon this year (deservedly so) when I think about it honestly I might have listened to Arena - The Unquiet Sky more than anything else this year, as far as start to finish sessions go. Weird for me because it's not a metal record at all, but damn is it great. It's like elegant, classy, progressive rock, catchy as hell but not in any commercial sense, and a total fucking ace record. They nailed it this year. What I'll do next week some time when I get around to it is post my favorite songs from 2015 in case anyone wants to check out some of these recommendations. I listened to a bunch of stuff this year in every genre that I'd love to share.
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I'll have to dig through my CDs to see what I bought that came out this year. Pretty decent year from my recollection.