Metal 2015

You guys should check out the new Invoker (the German death metal band, not the American shitty hardcore/metal band) album Aeon. It's great...tons of sick tremolo riffing and some truly bizarre melodic sections.
What happened to Razorback Records?

I wouldn't personally know, but a lot of bands claimed they never got things they were promised, album arts were stolen and never paid for... The label just basically treated his bands like crap until they all left. Coffins, Ghoul, Acid Witch, Hooded Menace... The quality of bands he signed dipped, HARD.... which lead him to sticking his wife in some of the bands (IMO)

Now it's a half assed shell of what it used to be, I doubt the label survives much longer, seems the guy wants to focus on horror films...

That being said, none of that is the band I posted' fault and I will be picking that cd up for sure.
Razorback's roster is still pretty cool, whatchu talkin' about fool?

Death Curse, Cardiac Arrest and Wooden Stake just off the top.

Didn't know about the label misdoings though, that's fucked up.
What's the opinion on the new Enslaved? I think it's the best out of all the ones I own and I'm wading through some of the other stuff on Amazon Prime in preparation for seeing them live next week.
Anticipating this record so much right at this moment, their cassette blew me away.

Yeah RIITIIR is amazing. I listened to the new one a couple times. I can't really remember it tbh. Should go dig it out again.
Razorback has some good stuff, but some of the bands are generic. I do not really keep updated with the label.

Stuff I like.

Revolting-dreadful pleasures.
Decrepitaph-condemned cathedral,beyond the cursed tombs,profane doctrines unburied.
Lord Gore-resickened.
Orloff-apparitions among the graveyard skies.
Hooded Menace-fulfill the curse.
Fondlecorpse-blood and popcorn.
Ya it's pretty bad ass isn't it? Amazing cover art, too.

The year is almost over, so I thought I'd drop a few recommendations if anyone cares. These are some under the radar type albums from 2015 that I think are really good; not many people have spoken about them.

Amiensus - Ascension
Thurisaz - The Pulse of Mourning
Ereb Altor - Nattramn
Akhlys - The Dreaming
Invoker - Aeon
Windfaerer - Tenebrosum
Vehemence - Forward Without Motion
Thy Catafalque - Sgùrr
Holy cow, that new Vektor track is rad. I know where some of my money is going in February now. And the new Enslaved is excellent, much agreed Ozz. I think it tops RIITIIR, which topped all their previous work. "Building With Fire" and "Thurisaz Dreaming" are major highlights for me.
So I just listened to that Enslaved album again, or at least tried too. Too poppy. Turned it off after the first two tracks...My wife (did I ever mention I got married???) told me it reminded her or Between the Buried and Me... And I'm not entirely sure she's wrong.
I don't know if I'd classify it as poppy, but it is definitely lacking. It's much more streamlined than RIITIIR, and it doesn't have nearly as many creative/artsy outbursts of jawdropping awesomeness either. "Building with Fire" and "Daylight" are great, but the other songs just don't have much staying power. I had really high hopes for the record. It's good but not great. Does not belong on any year end lists.