Metal 2020

Anyone have an opinion on the new Demons & Wizards? Was considering buying all three new versions for a bit of nostalgia.
I don't think the latest is as good as the previous two. There is darkness, power and the sort of riffs and vocals you'd expect from Hansi and Jon, but I just felt the album dragged on a bit more than the first ones. I wouldn't say I hate it, but at this stage I've only listened to it twice as it hasn't compelled me to put it on high rotation yet.

After releasing a demo ("Thecodontia", 2018) and an EP ("Jurassic", 2019), Italy's bass-driven black/death metal prehistoric beast THECODONTION is back with its first full length album, "Supercontinent". Thus far, the band's material has been uncompromisingly fast-paced and length-wise short, featuring their signature distorted double bass attacks and blistering bass solos. With "Supercontinent" THECODONTION move towards a more atmospheric and intricate direction, with tribalistic drumming, slower and lengthier riffing, and wailing reverb-drenched leads, all played on bass except for a baritone guitar guest solo on "Laurasia-Gondwana". Their blast-beating fury is nevertheless always present, this time around with a lot more variety in the riffing department. There are also four mostly non-metal instrumental segments in the forms of intro, interludes and outro, in which THECODONTION further expand their sonic palette, with bass ambience explorations and atmospheric rock leanings.
As the album title suggests, "Supercontinent" is a conceptual voyage through various stages of ancient Earth's continental drift phase, from the earliest known supercontinent ("Vaalbara") to the most recent one ("Pangaea"). Extensive researches with an almost scientific approach have been made for the lyrical department; and yet there is a strong pursuit for a certain vivid imagery, with poetic descriptions of ancient lifeforms populating the planet during the various geological eras, and cataclysmic events leading to the break up and collision of landmasses. The four instrumental non-metal songs feature short poems about superoceans: enormous bodies of water which surrounded these continental assemblies.

On the visual front, the concept is perfectly embodied by the phenomenal artwork of Stefan Thanneur (CHAOS ECHOES), with a colourful representation of the final supercontinental stage and climax of the record: Pangaea surrounded by the Panthalassa Ocean.
THECODONTION's "Supercontinent" is an atmospheric death metal sonic journey and another step for the ever-developing and evolving sound of this archaic entity.
I'm pleased to finally share some details on the upcoming Hellripper album 'The Affair of the Poisons'.
The album will contain 8 tracks and will be released on CD/vinyl/cassette through Peaceville Records on October 9th.
‘The Affair of the Poisons’ contains the mixture of thrash/black/speed metal and punk that Hellripper has become known for, but this time I feel that the end result is more cohesive. Some of the tracks are more straight-forward while others contain some twists and parts that are new to the Hellripper sound.
As always, the whole writing and recording process was done at home by myself, with a few friends of mine contributing some additional vocals and lead guitar parts. The album was mixed by myself and was mastered by Brad Boatright at AUDIOSIEGE who did an amazing job.
Lyrically, the album’s themes primarily revolve around witchcraft and the occult, with some tracks being based on historical events (‘The Affair of the Poisons’, ‘Beyond the Convent Walls’) and Scottish legend (‘Vampire’s Grave’).
Skaðvaldur did an excellent job, as he always does, of creating a piece of artwork that both represents the album’s themes, as well as being a somewhat of a homage in style to the old B-horror movie posters that inspired a few of the album’s tracks.”
We will release details of new tracks and pre-orders in the coming weeks so keep an eye out for that!
To coincide with the release of the album, as previously announced, we will be playing a some UK headline shows as well as joining Midnight on their European tour in October.
Cheers to all for the support that has allowed me to get this far, and I'm excited to get this album out there! I Hope you are all keeping safe out there!
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Out today apparently, looks like a trip to the shop tomorrow.
