Metal: A Headbanger's History


Dead Cold Day
Apr 23, 2004
What's up everyone...the interview went REALLY well. Me and the other "contestants" went to BB King's in NYC with the 2 guys from Banger Productions. They filled us in on what the whole documentary is about and what they are looking for, and then they took each of us out and did an on-camera interview, basically asking us why we would be the best person to feature as an in-depth look at a fan for this documentary. They are looking to get away from the basic 20 second fan interview, and instead pick a few people who have an interesting "story" regarding metal music and to allow the audience an closer look at their lifestyle. Sam, the interviwer seemed very interested in my whole outlook on metal, and the fact that my CDs went with me everywhere I went in the Marines (not too many people can say they've wound down after a patrol in the jungles of Okinawa by listening to South of Heaven and Master of Puppets). He was also pretty interested in how I put myself through school and now work in Corporate America, yet behind the button down shirt, slacks and nice shoes - I'm covered in tattoos and all that - kind of like I've infiltrated the system, so to speak.

Anyway - there's me, 3 girls and another guy. We all hung out after all the interviews, and I honestly have to say I think I'd be the best candidate for the documentary - I hate the way that sounds...I'm probably the farthest thing from being full of myself. My only point is that I have been living and breathing metal since I was 10 or 11 years old, and I have never EVER based my musical tastes on trends or by what other people thought. We're all going to hear from them today to hear their decision, so I'll let you know as soon as I hear something.

The other thing I wanted to fill you all in on is that this is a pretty damn big documentary - a LOT of bands are being interviewes, and Sanctuary Music is involved with it - they are including a 5 CD box set with the DVD. It's going to be in theaters, and then the DVD will come out, so I'm pretty psyched about that.

Even if they don't pick me, I think what they are doing is really good for metal, and it;s about time someone took the ball and ran with it.

One last thing...if I'm chosen, I have to be back down there all day Saturday shooting the segments and shit - now, since I wore my Killers long sleeve last night - it would be EXTREMELY tacky to wear it I may have to give some props to another band if I get the call. I'm torn between Lamb of God and Children of Bodom...

Any thoughts?
I don't know...I just love so many bands...I'd like to give some support to a newer band...but then I remembered my Slayer shirts...just thinking out loud I guess.
I don't know how, but they picked me...I must have done something right along the way. We'll be shooting this weekend, just not sure where yet...

That's cool !!! I hope to see the interview once ... Ermm, I would wear the oldschool Slayer shirt, not that the new bands aren't good, but it's 'bout oldschool isn't it ?