Metal Alliance tour 2013!

Good thing I don't consider ATL their best album...

I have never actually analyzed it but the band clearly thinks that Among the Living is their "iconic" album. They always play half of it at every show and on these special tours it is the one album they always go back to. I think it would be amazing to see Persistence of Time in its entirely but I know that would never happen. So it isn't really a matter of whether it is their best album in anyone's opinion but rather it is the album that the band always chooses.
I am pretty confident that if you took a poll of general metal fans as to their favourite record, ATL would win comfortably.
Article about the current tour with interesting comments I hadn't heard before, such as Charlie's take on A.D.I./Horror:

Past meets present for Anthrax

"It's terrible," said drummer Charlie Benante, calling from Los Angeles. "That's why it's called 'Horror of it All.' It's a horror. To be honest, we tried to play it when the album first came out and it never worked live. So it's one that we're saying we'll play it just for this and probably never play it again."
I just don't get far as the obscure stuff on ATL goes, I think Horror Of It All is the most natural live.
I was really disappointed to read an interview with Charlie saying HOIA will not be played beyong the current tour where they're playing all of ATL.

I'd much rather hear these obscure songs than Got the Time and Antisocial for the 50th time live.
I am surprised how much video footage is online for this show. It isn't great quality but there are several people posting it.

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Maybe. I was fine with the Worship Music song myself. It was Grammy nominated. Seems silly not to play it this tour.

This. I thought I'm Alive worked great in the set. Personally, I'd have rather seen Madhouse go in the end of the set instead of Got The Time.

They added Fight 'Em after Got The Time last night at the first NY show. They'd also dropped S.O.D. for about a week but it was back last night.

Last night was absolutely hands down the best Anthrax show I've seen. I rode down with the bassist from Belladonna and Joey's wife, and they both said the same thing. The band was just absolutely on fire - the tempos were blistering, the band was tight, and Joey was wailing. Dave and I got VIP passes for letting Joey's wife ride down with us, so that was a nice surprise. Met Brian Fair from Shadows Fall in the VIP area, and Rob showed up so we had a good time talking with him for a bit! They had a special poster for the NY shows that were signed by the whole band, it was a play on the album cover from Queen's News Of The World.

I'm expecting great things tonight :D
Man that sounds awesome Fr33n3y!

I'm Alive is still my favorite song from Worship Music, so I wish they would play it more.

Watching the setlist expand slightly seems to me that they're slowly relaxing since they're on the last legs of the tour.
They had a special poster for the NY shows that were signed by the whole band, it was a play on the album cover from Queen's News Of The World.

Wow..i bet its a NOTMAN giant robot!!

..the ATL B-side sounded powerful live!! i bet the band just realized how THRASH they were back then.
Wow..i bet its a NOTMAN giant robot!!

..the ATL B-side sounded powerful live!! i bet the band just realized how THRASH they were back then.

Yep!! Not Man robot with the band members falling out of his hands, with the Irving Plaza marquee in the foreground. They used the artwork on the VIP passes for these shows too. Shame they didn't do a shirt :( I'll post a pic tomorrow if anyone hasn't yet.

Tonight was another amazing gig. They dropped Madhouse and Horror Of It All, but added Medusa and Devil You Know mid-set. Dunno why they dropped Horror, but it wasn't even on tonight's setlist so it was a conscious decision. Hung out backstage afterwards, everyone was in a really good mood.
Do you reckon Jon Donais might become a more permanent fixture? I'm sure hoping so. Just watching some of these most recent videos live, he looks to have grown ten-fold in terms of his stage presence and confidence with the band. His playing is killer.
He's a very good player for sure. I wouldn't mind at all if he stuck around. Let's face it fellas, Anthrax isn't going to continue too long at this point, I'd say they got 10 years max :waah:, so the new lead guitarist will be the new guy until the end of their career, so it might as well be Mr. Donais.
I suspect he will be. He seems to gel really well with the rest of the guys, and he's an amazing guitarist.
I'm guessing he will be too, but I don't know what that will mean for Shadows Fall

Last night I met Jon while we were talking with Brian Fair, and I got the vibe that they 100% support Jon being a part of Anthrax, and Jon didn't say/do anything to indicate he'd leave Shadows Fall if he became a permanent member.

By the way, here was the special NYC artwork. The posters had the actual marquee info on it instead of "V.I.P." but otherwise identical: