Metal Artists with psychological issues (for a project)


Feb 22, 2007
For my abnormal psych project I have to write a paper on an artist(of any field) who had some kind of personality disorder or something. Are there any metal artists who've got some mental issues (not necessarily insane, just issues), and have information about their personal life too, and maybe even childhood. If they're mentioned in a book even better because I need some non-internet sources too.

Right now I'm thinking Varg Vikernes or maybe Ozzy? I don't know too much about them, do you think they fit the criteria okay?
i knew varg was gonna be the first name brought up. poor guy, all these people thinking he was crazy...

lets not turn this into another varg debate though

unless you count serious drug addiction, i dont know of anyone off hand. oh, except the singers of stalaggh hahaha
i knew varg was gonna be the first name brought up. poor guy, all these people thinking he was crazy...

lets not turn this into another varg debate though

unless you count serious drug addiction, i dont know of anyone off hand. oh, except the singers of stalaggh hahaha

Meh, you can call anything a disorder these days. I can basically say that anyone who uses drugs or commits crimes frequently, has anti-social disorder. So if you know any particular artists who've been doing drugs since they were a teenager and there's info about their life, that would actually help a lot.
I have a neurological condition and do noisecore and black metal/doom


Meh, you can call anything a disorder these days. I can basically say that anyone who uses drugs or commits crimes frequently, has anti-social disorder. So if you know any particular artists who've been doing drugs since they were a teenager and there's info about their life, that would actually help a lot.

Dave Mustaine was a mad drug user for many years, it was why he got kicked out of Metallica. I'm sure there has been plenty of stuff written about it.

Also Glen Benton is obviously a nutjob of the highest order..
I remember reading that Devin Townsend (Strapping Young Lad) would really get out of control, and then he went to a doctor and got some meds that allowed him not to freak out. Something like bipolar or something.

Devin Townsend was bipolar, and he checked himself into a mental institution and then checked himself out.. he's definitley got way more problems than that though, you'd have to research him.
Nattramn was the first to pop to mind for me as well, though I doubt any info is available.

He actually formed a dark ambient music project as part of his therapy called 'Diagnose Lebensgefar', it's not the best dark ambient music you'll ever here, but it's very interesting. There's a bit of info floating about, but nothing more than a paragraph or two. He was recently released from the psychiatric hospital, so who knows what will happen next.
Dead would be the obvious choice in my opinion, the guy was obviously fucked in the head from the start, and his bandmates didn't exactly give him the best environment to work through his mental clusterfuck.

The band who did a few recordings with a vocalist who was in an insane asylum also pops into mind, but I totally forgot their name.
I remember reading that Devin Townsend (Strapping Young Lad) would really get out of control, and then he went to a doctor and got some meds that allowed him not to freak out. Something like bipolar or something.

Yer, Dev suffers from bipolar. Still a genius (at times) though. How about the guys from Sadistic Execution???