Metal Bass question


Apr 10, 2010
i have a question, what kind of distorction is normaly use on a good bass if there is une, i'm leasening to Breaking Benjamin bass lines on Breath, is there some good tips to make it sound full
i using a fast atack compression to make it more slap, some eq but a have no idea what kind of reverve and that is the normal bass volume on the track compare with the kick drum
look in the production tips section... you'll find a butt-load of posts about using two seperate channels, one for grit and one for the dry signal...
I think this thread should be deleted and the poster warned. Now is when the harsher moderation should start. Nothing personal against the OP, but people seem to think that cause this place has good info they can just come in and ask and wait to be served instead of just searching because the answer is already here. Plus it´s retarded not to think this question hasn´t been asked before, yeah like you´re the first guy in the world looking for a distorted bass tone in one of the most popular audio production forums on the web
I think this thread should be deleted and the poster warned. Now is when the harsher moderation should start. Nothing personal against the OP, but people seem to think that cause this place has good info they can just come in and ask and wait to be served instead of just searching because the answer is already here. Plus it´s retarded not to think this question hasn´t been asked before, yeah like you´re the first guy in the world looking for a distorted bass tone in one of the most popular audio production forums on the web

Being a new guy, I have to agree. I'm almost afraid to post when it is appropriate for fear of being labeled a punk troll. I spend more time doing searches and just reading the massive amounts of info here than I do posting anything. Some people need to learn that there is a search function for a reason.

Being a new guy, I have to agree. I'm almost afraid to post when it is appropriate for fear of being labeled a punk troll. I spend more time doing searches and just reading the massive amounts of info here than I do posting anything. Some people need to learn that there is a search function for a reason.


Absolutely all that trawling through irrelevant rubarb is manditory . We all hate it but its better than a slap in the face by an old timer forum interceptor.
Absolutely all that trawling through irrelevant rubarb is manditory . We all hate it but its better than a slap in the face by an old timer forum interceptor.

And next thing that he'll do will be asking for presets! :)))

Yep haha, Presetz will come soon :D

I agree with Dan though, these kind of threads are popping up everyday, and they need to be cracked down on, tough law needs to be started!
I agree that you should search first.
but no need to be a poohead about every post that goes up that has appeared before.

I swear, the people on this forum are the biggest douches when it comes to helping beginners. haha.
I'm not sure if you remember, but it's hard learning this stuff if you have no 1on1 guidance. give people a break sometimes.
That's great Dan but please don't make this place f***ing prison I mean restrictions and things like that!

We have had many discussions about this, and it was agreed this place WOULD have more restrictions, so yes I'm looking forward to the prison

I agree that you should search first.
but no need to be a poohead about every post that goes up that has appeared before.

I swear, the people on this forum are the biggest douches when it comes to helping beginners. haha.
I'm not sure if you remember, but it's hard learning this stuff if you have no 1on1 guidance. give people a break sometimes.

Lots of the guys here (me included) are still beginners, and most of us did lots and lots of reading, and THEN came to post stuff to clear up doubts or just see other people's takes on things. And there's the fact that questions like these have been asked and answered 1 million times before, there is no need to clutter up the place with new threads about old problems, people should take this place like a normal "resources" or "tutorials" site before just asking and expect your answer to be served on a plate, you can't expect a personal response to everyone, specially if it's the same question asked last week. And last month, and last year...

And if you have more questions about bass distortion, or anything else, its better to post in those threads that already exist.

This. You can do a search, and if you read a thread and still have doubts/questions/problems you can't figure out, it's better to bump an old thread than make another one about the same thing, in the end it's much easier for anyone's research to read through 2 or 3 threads and find tons of useful info than having to read through 100 threads hoping to dig out some good tips out of them
this is a sample of the kick + bass, do you think that needs EQ or de volumes are correct?
Download MP3 Samples

Come back when you have a full mix and post it under "Rate my mix/tone threads". If you dont understand the basics of the art of mixing, learn that first instead of wasting both yours and others time and space here. No I dont say that as a snob or anything. Just a sound advice.
Manuel, please use dropbox instead of megaupload, it's much easier for everyone to listen to clips without waiting times and the file can be opened straight in firefox so it's much easier. If you upload that mp3 to dropbox I would listen and let you know what I think. And this thread should be moved to RMM section me thinks
I agree that you should search first.
but no need to be a poohead about every post that goes up that has appeared before.

I swear, the people on this forum are the biggest douches when it comes to helping beginners. haha.
I'm not sure if you remember, but it's hard learning this stuff if you have no 1on1 guidance. give people a break sometimes.

It may seem so, but actually it's the opposite really. On other boards I've read people would not be as kind as reminding new people to use the f*n search, read the f*n stickies, trying to figure out s*t on their own. And if that fails, then ask a question. IMO, this place is among the kindest of its kind. In many other places the OP would've been lynched already.

When did it become unfashionable to try to figure out/learn stuff on your own, instead of asking for presets?

Lots of the guys here (me included) are still beginners, and most of us did lots and lots of reading, and THEN came to post stuff to clear up doubts or just see other people's takes on things. And there's the fact that questions like these have been asked and answered 1 million times before, there is no need to clutter up the place with new threads about old problems, people should take this place like a normal "resources" or "tutorials" site before just asking and expect your answer to be served on a plate, you can't expect a personal response to everyone, specially if it's the same question asked last week. And last month, and last year...

Amen. Just fucking amen. And +1. And stuff to that effect.

Use the search. Read. Use the search again. Read more. Repeat.
fuck man i just want one opinion, about volume and EQ and the general sound of the bass, from someone with a litle more trained ear than me

why this foruns exist if is not for people to help une another, if i have money i will pay a profecional producer