Question about Bass compression


Oct 7, 2009
Hey there, I'm just remixing my stuff...again >.<

I am using Ahjteam's guide using the bass guitar as the first thing to bring up in a mix, and I have also split the bass signal into 2 parts at 200hz.

Now, my question seems pretty nooby, how do I go about setting compression etc, so that the bass peaks at -18dbfs?

And what would be the best way to compress the bass track that is lowpassed at 200hz?

Thanks a lot, i hope it made sense. My brain hurts from the massive amount of techniques available >.>
He is referring to the level of the bass at the output (master fader). He is saying to compress the bass, then adjust the track volume level so that it is hitting -18db at its loudest points at the master fader. That gives you alot of room to build everything else around it without it clipping. And if it does with your bass at -18db, your probably doing something wrong.

The songs there are examples of some stuff, I hate Myspace just as much as anyone for audio but I am unable to upload anything at the moment due to my craptastic ISP.

I've done some work since posting those, specifically in regards to the bass guitar and kick drum.

I'm using an ESP Alexi with a SD Blackout 9v in it through a 5150 and Marshall 1960A cab, Dual SM57s using the "Clayman Mic Technique" :P

I'm not happy with the guitar tone, I only did one take L and one take R though so that is my fault, I'm thinking of going back and redoing the Rhythm guitars using either the same guitar, or my explorer loaded with EMG's...

Bleh, it was basically my first all-out mix and I already want to just start from scratch again haha.