Compression on your mix bus and mastering

What what?

There are some IR's of a Manley Passive EQ with different settings. If you use the HP22Hz-LP18KHz impulse loaded up into Pristine Space (or your utility of choice), it can really add some air to the mix. I'm not saying this is a magic fix or the best way to achieve a sound...just another tool/option that can be quite useful sometimes. I can upload the IR collection if interested. It was Nwright that I first saw talk about this and try it out. I've done it a lot since then.
There are some IR's of a Manley Passive EQ with different settings. If you use the HP22Hz-LP18KHz impulse loaded up into Pristine Space (or your utility of choice), it can really add some air to the mix. I'm not saying this is a magic fix or the best way to achieve a sound...just another tool/option that can be quite useful sometimes. I can upload the IR collection if interested. It was Nwright that I first saw talk about this and try it out. I've done it a lot since then.

That sounds interesting, can you point me to the original thread?
Is it some room verb thingy or just some general filtering?
It's just a little filtering action going on. No real magic. If I can find the thread I'll post it here. Otherwise, I can upload those IR's if you want to try it.
Why do you guys writing down here Make up Gain on Waves SSL? Does it affect sound? I think it is simple volume, so this information is not important. Am I missing something?
on the mixbus I like the C2 (SSL-style) with
atk: 30ms
rel: 100ms
2db max reduction
Dual Mono!

I'm usually not using any further compression on my own masters....when mastering outside-projects it really depends on the material if I use compression and if so how I set it (might as well be .1ms atk and auto-release with 4:1 then...whatever the material needs)....sometimes I just run it through the C2 into the apogee with the softclip on...I use the makeup-gain on the c2 to drive the converter a bit....
"whatever the material needs" is the best answer you'll get
Lasse...sorry if this is a dumb question...and I don't know anything about the C2. But, dual opposed to stereo linking? Wouldn't this throw off the stereo image if one channel is compressing harder than the other? Or am I misunderstanding something, or completely wrong? Thanks!
Lasse...sorry if this is a dumb question...and I don't know anything about the C2. But, dual opposed to stereo linking? Wouldn't this throw off the stereo image if one channel is compressing harder than the other? Or am I misunderstanding something, or completely wrong? Thanks!

not a dumb question theory it does, but since I'm only compressing a tiny bit it actually widens the image (by compressing both channels independently).
I can only recomment to try it
For those interested in the Massive Passive and DBX impulses they can be found on under the 'samplerinstruments, waveforms & impulse responses' on the main page. Click Impulses, then its near the bottom of the page. I'd post a direct link but the site is weird, you'll see what I mean.

I've only just started using a Mix Bus Compressor and normally run it at around 3db reduction, after whats been said though I might back it off a little and see where it sits.