Metal bigger in Europe than in USA?

:lol: Yeah man, that's some tripped out shit...

However, I recently read that a huge number of Marockan metalheads/bandmembers are being held in prison because of that reason you mentioned, and it's a muslim country. That sucks so fucking much!
yeah i'm not surprised to hear that, i read somewhere that indoneisa (i think it was) or some other islamic state in asia, banned at least black metal some years ago :(
poor people

hehe btw, i wonder if there where any fierce gernre-discussions among the legislative authorites like the ones on forums such as this ;)
"by allah! dimmu borgir is not black metal i say" hehe
Patric said:
However, I recently read that a huge number of Marockan metalheads/bandmembers are being held in prison because of that reason you mentioned, and it's a muslim country. That sucks so fucking much!

I've heard similar things about Egypt, although they mentioned that the metalheads were also smoking pot and drinking.
Haha, well they'll deal with it in their own dumb way I guess, I just hope the metalheads over gets enough of this shit and moves elsewere.

Haven't heard anything about Egypt, but I know Malaysia has had the exact same situation.
All that is pretty funny. I heard a story last night on ABC nightly news that the US military was playing Metallica songs and barney the dinosaur to the iraqis POW's as a way to make them talk. They were saying that the prisoners could not stand the music because they had never listened to it b4. But again who in their right mind could stand more than 2 min. of Metallica's newest bullshit ? The funny thing was that the journalist was refering to the heaviest music around, I had to laugh real hard when I heard that one.
The interogation would work if they played any song...over and over and over... anyone would go mad if they heard the same song for hours and hours...
A friend of mine in the US military told me that the bomber pilots often listen to Slayer and various Death Metal when they are flying their runs.
Political correctness extends much further than just being a satanist. A lot of people here are completely terrified of being labelled a "racist" which usually ends in being fired from your job, never being able to run for a political office, or whatever kind of punishment you think would be given to a social "criminal". White Americans are taught from birth that individual cultures are evil and racist, but yet we have a black history month. Institutions that fund whites only are racist, but the NAACP is a gift from the heavens. Anyway, now that I've 'set the mood', take in the fact that the general public think of metal (real metal) as something of a white sub-culture. That eliminates a good majority of fans there. It's not cool to be white in America. You can tell just by watching the majority of popular movies (Fast and the Furious, The Matrix: Reloaded, Save The Last Dance, etc) and listening to popular music (Ludacris, 50 Cent, Destiny's Child).

Since white culture is sacrilegious and racist, that almost completely ruins the majority of bands in the viking metal genre's chance of a good US tour. Vikings are white, therefore, vikings are racist and evil. Sad but true, that's how the majority of American citizens view the subject (I'm going on the people I've interviewed on both the East and West coasts which represent the country as a whole). We can't forget the great puritan attitude found in a good many households across the country either. Didn't you know that metal will make you kill yourself and worship an invisible red man with a pitch fork and horns?

Oh, and if I have offended anybody, too bad. This post isn't meant to make you happy. Crawl on out of CNN's rectum.
Sonnenritter said:
...White Americans are taught from birth that individual cultures are evil and racist, but yet we have a black history month. Institutions that fund whites only are racist, but the NAACP is a gift from the heavens. Anyway, now that I've 'set the mood', take in the fact that the general public think of metal (real metal) as something of a white sub-culture. That eliminates a good majority of fans there. It's not cool to be white in America. You can tell just by watching the majority of popular movies (Fast and the Furious, The Matrix: Reloaded, Save The Last Dance, etc) and listening to popular music (Ludacris, 50 Cent, Destiny's Child).

Since white culture is sacrilegious and racist, that almost completely ruins the majority of bands in the viking metal genre's chance of a good US tour. Vikings are white, therefore, vikings are racist and evil. Sad but true, that's how the majority of American citizens view the subject (I'm going on the people I've interviewed on both the East and West coasts which represent the country as a whole)...

Are americans really taught that? Well i think what you said is the truth blowned out of proportion :) Metal is taugh to be a white sub-culture? The same goes with rap toward black people... no difference there... popular movies? Spiderman was popular,Lords of the ring 1 and 2,Daredevil,Harry potter and god knows im fogetting some,these are all "blockbusters" or whatever they call them... now for music,im not sure about music but altho i personnally think it suck i think u can consider these popular music,Britney spears (plz dont slap me),Pink,Avril lavigne (first year out there and is best new artist),and the inevitable boy bands... very often all white... and again im sure im forgetting alot... .I need to say this... remember when rock was popular? like u could here ALOT of it on the radio? Its happening the exact thing to rap right now,maybe not on the same scale but it is...Its on a pop trance of some sort.. so u do see alot of rappers...

Last but not least,that part about the whites and vikings is basicly true but wouldnt you understand considering the nazi gave the the viking's most known symbol (probably) a racist significance... ? WWII scared the world forever :) IT IS Sad but true...
Rap might be thought of as black sub-culture, so what? That only adds to the arguement. "Metal is the white man's thing, but rap is the black man's thing. Let's not be white 'cause CNN tells me it's wrong!" Take a look at just about any prominent REAL metal band's sales and compare them to 50 Cent, Nelly, etc. There's no contest, proving that it's more acceptable to be black than it is to be white.

As for the movies you listed, every single movie you listed came from extremely popular comic books or novels. Of course they're going to do well with such a strong fanbase already.
Pink, Britney Spears, boy bands (in general) all take heavy influences from R&B and Hip Hop (both creations of black culture). So once again, I don't see your point in telling me they're white. Colour of skin hasn't anything to do with this. It's culture we're discussing.

Rock is still popular, but as was before, it's packaged for the average ignorant consumer (see Linkin Park, KoRn, Motley Crue, Blue Oyster Cult, Styx, and other assorted pop bands).

If anything is blown out of proportion, it is the Holocaust and the whole "evil nazi" myth. This should be an interesting read, but before you make comment, read the entire thing.

Edit: If you want to continue this arguement/conversation, whatever you want to call it, PM me.
Heavy Metal by Deena Weintsein.

personally, its not a matter of how one is raised in regards to the whole race matter, but it does play a vital role on how one views other races. for example, ever noticed how the "black man" is overglorified these days? not to be racist, but that is the truth. if not, visit your local mall to see what i mean. also, if you are wondering what my "race" is, i am half cuban, half honduran, born in the USA in case there are any idiots out there that want to make me a "white racist pig". back to the subject, the one thing i can't seem to understand is how and why did the black man get overglorified, persoanlly, they are human just like you and me, but i think it is because the "black culture" is the most dominant in regards to cd sales, movie sales, race crime verdicts, sports arena draws, tv show ratings, most popular race group in mtv, and/or the fact that every little crew of poser morons has to have a "black man" to prove themselves worhty to the higher ups in the hiarchy of losers. again, i know i may be stressing this out, but i only say this to bring to light a perspecetive that is about as detailed as possible without putting too much to bore the reader. i also don't have a problem at all with blacks cuz where i live, there black people that go to the shows and enjoy the music the bands have to offer.

Sonnenritter said:
Rap might be thought of as black sub-culture, so what? That only adds to the arguement. "Metal is the white man's thing, but rap is the black man's thing. Let's not be white 'cause CNN tells me it's wrong!" Take a look at just about any prominent REAL metal band's sales and compare them to 50 Cent, Nelly, etc. There's no contest, proving that it's more acceptable to be black than it is to be white.

As for the movies you listed, every single movie you listed came from extremely popular comic books or novels. Of course they're going to do well with such a strong fanbase already.
Pink, Britney Spears, boy bands (in general) all take heavy influences from R&B and Hip Hop (both creations of black culture). So once again, I don't see your point in telling me they're white. Colour of skin hasn't anything to do with this. It's culture we're discussing.

Rock is still popular, but as was before, it's packaged for the average ignorant consumer (see Linkin Park, KoRn, Motley Crue, Blue Oyster Cult, Styx, and other assorted pop bands).

If anything is blown out of proportion, it is the Holocaust and the whole "evil nazi" myth. This should be an interesting read, but before you make comment, read the entire thing.

Edit: If you want to continue this arguement/conversation, whatever you want to call it, PM me.
Sonnenritter said:
Pink, Britney Spears, boy bands (in general) all take heavy influences from R&B and Hip Hop (both creations of black culture).
Yeah. And metal stems from rock, which stems from blues which is a "creation of black culture". Basically all popular culture today has it's roots in the so-called black culture, so what's your point? If it wasn't for the cotton-picking songs we'd probably be listening to avant garde twelve-tone music right now instead of metal.

It's not very strange that people listen more to Nelly, 50 Cent and crap like that than they do to metal. I think more people can relate to drinking and dancing in clubs than they can to meat hook sodomy, rides for vengeance or lords of all fevers and plagues, yes? There's rap equivalents of Cannibal Corpse, and I can guarantee you they don't sell platinum.

Do you think it (in lack of a better word) is opression of "white culture" (which we already have seen is an offspring of black culture) that rock bands come neatly packaged in consumer friendly packages? Well, so do mainstream rappers, too. Things are consumer-friendly because a lot of consumers tend to buy friendly things.
People are told that Eminem and Pink are good and so they believe it. I blame MTV for all that is wrong with music today.

You can't make money from Amon Amarth's music, The amount of people who could take offense is unreal, I can see the points made before;

1.It's Pagan, so straight away Christians hate it.
2.It celebrates and promotes free-thought and not going with the crowd.
3. Black power movements would see it as promoting a way of life that is ENTIRELY a white way of life i.e. Viking and would therefore be "Oppressed" straight away.
4.People would link the Sunwheel and Runic connections with the Nazi connections.

This rules out Christians,Blacks,Posers and Jews. That's most of the population of America isn't it? :lol:

Most people are too stupid to think for themselves.

It's easy to buy something that everyone else is buying, you never have to worry about being different ever again, and you can like something and know that everyone else feels the same.
I love when people use the origin arguement. So what? If it wasn't for a monkey beating a rock on a log in rhythmic patterns millions of years ago, we wouldn't have the music we have today. There's no relevance in bringing up who started what. We're not talking about 50 years ago. We're talking about now, and the fact remains that metal IS thought of as white-culture. People don't care if it originated in Africa, China, or Russia. To say that it influences metal today is ridiculous. Little Richard really has a huge impact on the metal scene today, his new album is going to change the way every metal band writes music!!

Oh, I see, it's easier to identify with "artists" talking about drugs, gangs, and degrading women. Oh, don't forget Eminem screaming about killing his wife and attacking homosexuals. That's MUCH easier to identify with than a song about vikings or mythology. Bullshit. The people that can "identify" with that sort of trash deserve to be shot.

That last paragraph made no sense. Oppression of white culture because bands like Linkin Park exist? I think it's oppression of white culture that I'm shunned for participating in white culture, not because some multi-culturalist band that has record execs write their songs exists.
Sonnenritter said:
We're talking about now, and the fact remains that metal IS thought of as white-culture.
Oh, yeah, OK. And I suppose you mean that Britney Spears and N*Sync are thought of as black-culture?

Sonnenritter said:
That last paragraph made no sense. Oppression of white culture because bands like Linkin Park exist? I think it's oppression of white culture that I'm shunned for participating in white culture, not because some multi-culturalist band that has record execs write their songs exists.
My point was that all (well, most) so-called artists who reach the charts are packaged in a consumer-friendly way, whether they are from black or white culture.