Metal bigger in Europe than in USA?

i have to add some on the origin of metal!
Black, death, thrashmetal has in fact much more in common with classical music than with blues! the more chromatic composititions ar VERY different from pentatonic blues scales!
of corse early metalbands like black sabbat or even iron maiden had more of a rock influence, but bands in the black/death/speed/thrash genre and especially folk- or vikingmetal have more resemblence towards classic music or european folktunes!
and if you see it in another way, black men might invented blues, but the instruments it was played on like the guitar are clearly european instruments!

oh, and crap like britney spears or destiniy's child are not really black genre icons, they're more like todays non-individual massconsumer brats, which is at any rate VERY black influenced! just turn on MTV, the first you'll see will be some though black "gangstas" aping around in bent posture and redicilous clothing!
I do agree that most "popular" "music" nowadays is aimed at black people.

I simply do not understand why this has happened though. In Britain, most of the music that sells is some sort of Rap or alleged R'n'B.
Most of the kids nowadays go in for all the Rap music, Eminem or Ja Rule or 50 Cents is far more popular than anything else I know.

Most people are too stupid to think for themselves, they just buy what people tell them to and conform.

By the way, that article about the Holocaust was very interesting, it is a good way of keeping patriotism and pride under control, the 6 Million Myth, that is.

Being proud of your race (If you're White) = Fascist and Evil Racist, instantly associated with Nazi-ism.

Being proud of your race (If you're Black) = Totally acceptable and even promoted

I probably seem like a big racist, but hey, I don't care.

NP - Amon Amarth - Last With Pagan Blood :rock:
deth2naturalice said:
By giving up the arguement your consenting defeat...
No, I'm showing I've had discussions like these before, about 9000 of them, and they result in nothing but wasted time. I'm not gonna get any revisionists to change their beliefs (I think...), and I'm not gonna turn into a conspiracy theorist, xenophobe or nazi, so we might as well stop here...
Heavy Metal Samurai said:
Being proud of your race (If you're White) = Fascist and Evil Racist, instantly associated with Nazi-ism.
And you think that's odd? In all honesty, I've never seen the point of being "proud" because of ones color of skin (and hey that goes for the black variety too so if you're gonna call me a PC goon then save your energy). I'm luckily seated...I'm moving back to Sweden to start a great education, I love my friends and my condition is in top order. Why, because I'm WHITE? Or Germanic? Hell no, it's all personal achievements and my genes haven't played a huge role there. Same for mindless patriotism...take a look at the most nationalistic people out there. Not exactly highly intellectual people, are they? But my point is, what have THEY made that's so good for their country? What have they achieved to alter/better their homlenad? Not a damn thing if you ask me, waving the flag and burning up immgrant centers.
Sonnenritter said:
Political correctness extends much further than just being a satanist. A lot of people here are completely terrified of being labelled a "racist" which usually ends in being fired from your job, never being able to run for a political office, or whatever kind of punishment you think would be given to a social "criminal". White Americans are taught from birth that individual cultures are evil and racist, but yet we have a black history month. Institutions that fund whites only are racist, but the NAACP is a gift from the heavens. Anyway, now that I've 'set the mood', take in the fact that the general public think of metal (real metal) as something of a white sub-culture. That eliminates a good majority of fans there. It's not cool to be white in America. You can tell just by watching the majority of popular movies (Fast and the Furious, The Matrix: Reloaded, Save The Last Dance, etc) and listening to popular music (Ludacris, 50 Cent, Destiny's Child).

Since white culture is sacrilegious and racist, that almost completely ruins the majority of bands in the viking metal genre's chance of a good US tour. Vikings are white, therefore, vikings are racist and evil. Sad but true, that's how the majority of American citizens view the subject (I'm going on the people I've interviewed on both the East and West coasts which represent the country as a whole). We can't forget the great puritan attitude found in a good many households across the country either. Didn't you know that metal will make you kill yourself and worship an invisible red man with a pitch fork and horns?

Oh, and if I have offended anybody, too bad. This post isn't meant to make you happy. Crawl on out of CNN's rectum.

You took the words right out of my mouth. I'll add on a bit. Being a white man in America is a disability. You have places enforcing minority quotas that make absolutely no sense.. and oh yes - did you know if you were black and were fired for LEGITIMATE reason you could always just pull the 'racism' card and sue your employer? If you're a minority you have a better chance of getting into a university since places have to fulfill minority quotas - Forget the fact that the white guy who worked his ass off throughout school, and struggled all his life will get stepped on. Minority scholarships is another one... forget the fact that it's all the poor people(including whites) that should recieve help, regardless of their nationality.. not 'minorities'. Fuck affirmative action. It makes no sense. The argument for it is that it 'levels' the playing field and makes things equal. How does it make things 'equal'? All it does is give everyone besides the white man an advantage. That's not leveling the playing field out at all, that's just making it so the white man is at a disadvantage. Not all white men are rich and powerful. Take me for example - My parents were first generation immigrants from Greece. They came here with nothing, and not surprisingly so, still have nothing. We live from paycheck to paycheck. Would I ever recieve the help these other people get? Of course not, because I'm the white fucking devil.

Sonnenritter said:
I love when people use the origin arguement. So what? If it wasn't for a monkey beating a rock on a log in rhythmic patterns millions of years ago, we wouldn't have the music we have today. There's no relevance in bringing up who started what. We're not talking about 50 years ago. We're talking about now, and the fact remains that metal IS thought of as white-culture. People don't care if it originated in Africa, China, or Russia. To say that it influences metal today is ridiculous. Little Richard really has a huge impact on the metal scene today, his new album is going to change the way every metal band writes music!!

Oh, I see, it's easier to identify with "artists" talking about drugs, gangs, and degrading women. Oh, don't forget Eminem screaming about killing his wife and attacking homosexuals. That's MUCH easier to identify with than a song about vikings or mythology. Bullshit. The people that can "identify" with that sort of trash deserve to be shot.

Again, I agree with you completely. :rock:
Patric said:
And you think that's odd? In all honesty, I've never seen the point of being "proud" because of ones color of skin (and hey that goes for the black variety too so if you're gonna call me a PC goon then save your energy). I'm luckily seated...I'm moving back to Sweden to start a great education, I love my friends and my condition is in top order. Why, because I'm WHITE? Or Germanic? Hell no, it's all personal achievements and my genes haven't played a huge role there. Same for mindless patriotism...take a look at the most nationalistic people out there. Not exactly highly intellectual people, are they? But my point is, what have THEY made that's so good for their country? What have they achieved to alter/better their homlenad? Not a damn thing if you ask me, waving the flag and burning up immgrant centers.

It's not about being pride of white culture. It's about unfair treatment of whites in the US. I couldn't care less about blacks celebrating their culture. What I do care about is the fact that I'm at an unfair disadvantage living in the US and being white. Some of the laws and regulations in this country are blatantly racist. It's ridiculous.
-Desecrated- said:
It's not about being pride of white culture.
Well, as a matter of fact, that was what we were discussing, how "white" culture is frowned upon. That brought up the question of race pride, which is sheer idiocy in my not-so-humble opinion.

Anyway, I agree that affirmative action is a very, very strange way of solving a difficult problem, if you think solving it is what you do.
I brought up the topic of Race and Pride because I see it as White, Free Thinking Music is dying out, in favour of Black-Orientated Commercial music.

This is a music forum after all.

I agree with comments made about being white as a disability, it's true. I have experienced a similair situation when I applied for a job but because the job was in a clothes shop they were only employing good looking women, to be eye-candy for the whores, buying their wares.

A white male aged 18 - 40, the scourge of the world oppressing all, left right and centre: women, blacks, gays, jews, anyone who can be offended.

In Britain, If I fight with a Black guy and I win, I'm a racist and it is a hate crime, If he wins, I'm a racist, and he walks away because the Police are too scared to even touch Black people in Britain.
Patric said:
And you think that's odd? In all honesty, I've never seen the point of being "proud" because of ones color of skin (and hey that goes for the black variety too so if you're gonna call me a PC goon then save your energy).

I agree with you in that I don't see the point in being proud of something you were born into. However, what he sees as odd is the fact that you can be proud of being black and that's alright, but once you're proud of being white you're coupled together with racists and other degenerates. It's that double standard in our society that he(and I) finds ridiculous.
-Desecrated- said:
I agree with you in that I don't see the point in being proud of something you were born into. However, what he sees as odd is the fact that you can be proud of being black and that's alright, but once you're proud of being white you're coupled together with racists and other degenerates. It's that double standard in our society that he(and I) finds ridiculous.

Exactly, I agree.
for sure, and it stinks. i think that goes back to white supremacist groups misusing symbols (like the suncross), and phrases like 'white pride.' if anybody in america were to put the words 'proud' and 'white' together, it's associated with 'white pride' = skinheads = nazis = rascism = evil.
and lets not get into being proud of one's german heritage. pfft. i'm blonde, and i have light eyes. if i were to wear my "old germany" or "berlin" tshirts to certain neighborhoods i'd probably get beat up, but my odds of that are much lower than a man's would be.

excellent post, desecrated.

people will judge you. i'm sure there are plenty of people at my school who would think i was some kind of neo nazi if it wasnt well known that my best friend is guatemalan, and another half brazilian.
Of course the people who would say those things about me would have no idea that my aryan appearence comes from my swedish side, and that my german side of the family all have black hair and hazel eyes, and either
a) fled nazi germany
b) were members of underground nazi resistance groups
c) have been in america since before the revolutionary war.

but in america, it's all about how you look. our culture is sickeningly superficial.