Metal cd's starting at a penny-an online benefit


Mark Carras
Sep 29, 2001
Olympia, WA
Hey, I'm sure you have all seen my sig & avatar, but I figured I would post here as well. It couldn't hurt right? Well, here is the story in case you have not heard. On Aug 3rd Abrasive hosted the second annual Abrasive Rock Fest. Like many metal fests this year attendance was down right pathetic (130 paid). Now I have bands that I owe money (I owe some huge faceless corporations too, but the bands come first).

Unlike most concert promoters, I will not run off on these debts to artists that work hard to create the music I love. So I am selling off a ton of my personal shit to try and gather up some funds. The first to go is my cd collection. As fellow metal fans you should know how much this kills me, but these bands need to be paid. I currently have about 30 CD's listed and I add new ones almost everyday. Almost all my auctions start at a penny (Yes, even the very rare ones). In fact the only time one didn't start at a penny is the 'lot' of 100 CD's. If nothing else it's a chance to score some great music for a great price. If you believe in the cause please tell a friend or two...or three... Thanks.