Metal Compilation Album

Blackwater Demon

Using Cold Words
Mar 30, 2008
Under The Weaping Moon
Im going to make a metal compilation cd. So far Im going to put Masters Apprentice on it. I want to put some Symphony X on it as well and Id like to check out Katatonia and Porcupine Tree. Any suggestions on songs? Also if there are any other good songs to put on there let me know.
Porcupine Tree- Trains, The Sound of Muzak, Radioactive Toy, Fear of a Blank Planet, Arriving Somewhere But Not Here, Even Less, The Sleep of No Dreaming
porcupine tree aren't metal, no matter how much sw tries to emulate meshuggah chug parts in his songs.

thorns, bathory, belphegor, meshugga, marduk etc etc
what are you hoping to accompish with this mixed CD?

Is it for you to enjoy or for someone else to enjoy?

I generally don't make comp tapes for myself, but do quite often for other people. Usually catering to their tastes. And often containing surprises or hidden "gems." such a sunshine on my shoulders sandwiched between demon of the fall and creeping death.

Or I like to find songs that segue nicely into each other, making some sort of logical leap. Such as star star by the stones leading into starfuckers, inc. by nine inch nails.

anyway...let me know and then i will advise or extrapolate...
porcupine tree aren't metal, no matter how much sw tries to emulate meshuggah chug parts in his songs.

thorns, bathory, belphegor, meshugga, marduk etc etc

Oh yeah, I'm sure that's exactly what Steven Wilson is thinking... "boy, I wanna be Meshugga when I grow up". Puh-leeeeeaaazzzee!

On the other hand, I could definitely see Meshugga wishing they were half as versatile as Steven Wilson is, or had even half his production and/or compositional skills. I can certainly see where your jealousy stems from in that regard!

Oh well, if they keep practicing and trying really, REALLY hard, perhaps one day... NAAAAAHHHH! :Smug:

As for great PT tunes to put on the comp, take your pick! Since we're talking "heavier" tunes, something along the lines of "Shallow", "Blackest Eyes", "Deadwing" or "Wedding Nails" would do nicely. "Arriving Somewhere..." is always a good choice as well, great driving tune!

Symphony X... let's see... "Serpent's Kiss", "Domination", "The Turning", "Inferno" or damn near anything off of V: The New Mythology Suite would rock. "Evolution (The Grand Design)" maybe?

Katatonia: Another vote for "12". "Walking By A Wire" or "Consternation" wouldn't suck, either!

Don't forget to include some Agalloch! "Falling Snow"! Hell, anything by Agalloch pwns!
Oh yeah, I'm sure that's exactly what Steven Wilson is thinking... "boy, I wanna be Meshugga when I grow up". Puh-leeeeeaaazzzee!

On the other hand, I could definitely see Meshugga wishing they were half as versatile as Steven Wilson is, or having even half his production and compositional skills. I can certainly see where your jealousy stems from in that regard!

Oh well, if they keep practicing and trying really, REALLY hard, perhaps one day... NAAAAAHHHH! :Smug:

Not sure why you're getting all defensive - it's a fact that SW has gone on record and cited Meshuggah as one of his favorite bands lately. Not to mention the glaring Meshuggah influences/emulations - in parts of FOABP especially. Despite that fact, PT still aren't metal. I enjoy PT. They're just not a metal band, and thus don't deserve to be on a metal compilation album.

Again, not sure why you're getting defensive - perhaps you should take SW's cock out of your mouth for a second so that you can grasp the full meaning of what I said.
Again, not sure why you're getting defensive - perhaps you should take SW's cock out of your mouth for a second so that you can grasp the full meaning of what I said.

Considering your comment came across as bitter little br00tal-bitch whining, I think I took it exactly as you intended it. Too bad you're such a sniveling pussy you can't just throw it out there and stand by it. That's the really disgusting thing about little douchebag trolls such as yourself, you fart out your bombastic, banal bullshit and inevitably try to spin it and back away from it the moment calls you on it. Fucking WEAK...

And while you're at it, try taking Nathan_LOL's cock out of your ASS and try not to be such a bitter little cunt in the future, will ya? 'Preciate it...

Have a nice day! :)
Never once did I turn away from my point, in fact I stand by it - the Meshuggah emulation in FOABP doesn't qualify PT as metal. You've been here for 5 months and have 1/5th the posts that I do in the span of almost 3 years. Think about that before you call me out as being a troll.

Not sure who Nathan_LOL is either.
Stop talking shit you two, please.

But about compilation albums, I honestly believe that the guy makes the album should know what he wants on it best. I have no idea what kind of direction he wants for it. I wouldn't make a metal compilation anyway, cause I'd propably add mellow moments in between. Then there could for example be stuff like Opeth, Symphony X or whatever between. I'd propably just put a couple of my favourite tracks from my favourite metal bands and try to arrange it so that it flows.
Oh yeah, I'm sure that's exactly what Steven Wilson is thinking... "boy, I wanna be Meshugga when I grow up". Puh-leeeeeaaazzzee!

On the other hand, I could definitely see Meshugga wishing they were half as versatile as Steven Wilson is, or had even half his production and/or compositional skills. I can certainly see where your jealousy stems from in that regard!

Oh well, if they keep practicing and trying really, REALLY hard, perhaps one day... NAAAAAHHHH! :Smug:

Not to feed the fire, but this is definitely the truth.
Never once did I turn away from my point, in fact I stand by it - the Meshuggah emulation in FOABP doesn't qualify PT as metal. You've been here for 5 months and have 1/5th the posts that I do in the span of almost 3 years. Think about that before you call me out as being a troll.

You softened your stance, you twit, from implying PT was nothing more than a Meshuggah ripoff, which very well may be the most stupid thing I've ever heard on this board, and that's saying something! You went to a classic "all I was saying was..." troll copout and you know it. You proved your troll-hood with your response, which was a straight-up, textbook troll personal attack. Also, try taking into context for a moment the ORIGINAL post of the thread, which specifically asked for Porcupine Tree song suggestions. And I agree, PT isn't metal, they're far, FAR more than just a one-trick, hackneyed, boring and predictable br00tal death metal band. They certainly do have "metal" elements to their music, though, although you seem far too caught up in whining about what you consider to be "tr00 metal" to understand this. Again, none of this matters for shit in the context of replying to the original post, though.

Also, pray tell, just what in the blue fuck does someone else's post count have to do with you posting inflammatory, bigoted troll-speak?! You ARE a troll, and a weak one, at that. I'd have at least some degree of respect for you if would just man up to it and admit it. But, then again, that would require a degree of character which would preclude you from becoming a troll in the first place, wouldn't it?

Not sure who Nathan_LOL is either.

Sure you don't... you just sound exactly like him, pure coincidence I'm sure though! :rolleyes:

P.S. Flame away, junior, I've already wasted more time on you than you deserve. I'll let you have the last word, you really seem to need it more.