Metal Cruise.......

Some friends of mine have been considering it. Will decide within a week. If Nevermore played, I wouldn't even have to think about it.
It does look pretty awesome, if this pic is any indication.

hahahahahaha wtf?

look at the scale of the stage compared to the humans sitting on the chairs next to it! :lol:

hahahaha jesus
people I see at metal concerts = not people I want to be on a cruise ship with.

indeed. I've been on a few cruises with my family and while they've been fun (to be fair on one I had hurt my back so I was on vicodin and flexiril the entire time) I definitely would not want to be on them with rowdy metal heads, it was more of a relaxing walk around and check stuff out and lounge around not FUCK YEAH GET WASTED AND RAGE AND STUMBLE AROUND THE SWERVING SHIP DRUNK SEEING RANDOM SHOWS AND PASS OUT IN A MOVING ROOM (not good for a hangover I can imagine). Good bands though and cruise ships are awesome; one I was on had a hugeee interior mall which seriously felt like it was a street, I couldn't believe they somehow managed that inside a ship.
Walking down a street inside of a ship sounds awesome.

it was interesting but the novelty wore off fast haha. I'd say doing a cruise once just to see how insanely huge and filled with stuff the boats are is cool but going on them often? no thanks, way too expensive even if it is pretty wild the stuff they put in those boats. I just hit up buffets on tons of vicodin and watched tv trying not to throw up when the ship rocked back and forth at night. plus they totally are filled with fat old people haha; fat old people and kids and then newly weds seem like the majority of the crowds.
it was interesting but the novelty wore off fast haha. I'd say doing a cruise once just to see how insanely huge and filled with stuff the boats are is cool but going on them often? no thanks, way too expensive even if it is pretty wild the stuff they put in those boats. I just hit up buffets on tons of vicodin and watched tv trying not to throw up when the ship rocked back and forth at night. plus they totally are filled with fat old people haha; fat old people and kids and then newly weds seem like the majority of the crowds.

^ Exactly. It's kinda like Vegas in a way... "Oh wow look! this place looks like Paris!"

followed by... "oh wow... this place looks like a plastic version of Paris..."

The novelty wears off quick, and the amount of fat slobs on those cruises is unbelievable.
The fact that there is food there ALL THE TIME makes everyone eat like pigs all day leaving huge plates barely touched on every table while they get more food, more food... MORE FOOD!!!!!!

The pool is gross and tiny on those ships, and hello? what's so exciting about being on a bloody BOAT?!

Did a cruise once, and that was enough.