Metal Festivus! Atlanta - June 14th feat. Mindflow & Meyvn!

Ok, flight booked, ticket purchased, I'll be there! I'm missing *2* softball games for this, so ya'll better be darned appreciative of my presence :p
When else will we be able to get these tickets from you guys? Or should I go ahead and order one online?

they are sold in advance through Ticket Alternative, so place your order through there please.

Otherwise they'll be available only at the door the day of show for 15 bucks.

Will Mr. Breed be accompanying you to this event? Or will he be back in Sweden before then? I hope he can attend and see all these great bands. :)
Well, got the 1st pass at the entire album mixdown. It sounds incredible. I think people are going to see why we've been so anal about this mixdown when they hear it.
they are sold in advance through Ticket Alternative, so place your order through there please.

Otherwise they'll be available only at the door the day of show for 15 bucks.

Will Mr. Breed be accompanying you to this event? Or will he be back in Sweden before then? I hope he can attend and see all these great bands. :)

Cool, thanks. :)

Unfortunately, Urban will be back in Sweden by then. :( Next time, he should be staying a lot longer.

--Mrs. breed posting under Urban's account :)
We're looking forward to pulling out a few surprises ourselves. Nothing extremely over the top or even that visible, just some improvements we have made since our recording sessions with the guitars. We are lucky to have such a great producer with an ear for things and a lot of respect towards our musical goals. He succeeded in allowing us to remain what we are while giving us constructive advice to boost our sound in recording which we'll also apply live as we toy around with the album additions.

Its going to be a killer show folks, I hope some more of you show some interest in making it out to this event. This is a pretty diverse metal show and you would be doing yourself a huge favor in making it out. Even if you make it out late--its not about one band and it never has been, its about supporting metal in and around the Atlanta area regardless.
Will be an awesome night, we're looking forward to hanging with you again bro. Hopefully alot the PPUSA faithful will come out and support this one.
Of course, I am looking forward to seeing you guys in ALD playing the most, although EBS and the others will rule, as well. It's always a pleasure to hang out with you, Billy, and to hear your band play, too! Can't wait to hear the revamped version of the Black Marys album!:headbang::kickass::worship:
Attention to the folks who are still on the fence about this show in Atlanta:

June 14th will mark the final Meyvn show with Drew Creel as their guitarist.

So if you miss this show... well, don't say we didn't warn you. ;)
