Metal Fusion


New Metal Member
Nov 2, 2011
We need a thread with bands that play a mixture of any kind of metal with another kind of music. For example
Lets get some links and opinions going.
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Hmm interesting idea for a thread! I think I'll have to do some searching through my collection to see what I should post.
Good stuff! That Dark Hall track is great. I really dig jazz/metal fusion.

This is another instrumental jazz/metal band called Mirthkon. Their music was produced by Dan Rathbun of Sleepytime Gorilla Museum.

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Mega lame that no one mentioned Atheist yet. Whatever. Some awesome fusion I found a while back browsing Metal Archives.

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I was just about to mention Athiest.
You can add Gorguts for their work on Obscura and the following album for mixing death metal with avant garde. Fear Factory has a mix of industrial and groove metal. Skeletonwitch for thrash/black metal. Lykathea Aflame is death/deathgrind mixed with atmospheric prog.

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Not sure why I didn't mention Atheist considering I own all their albums.. Good example though. Pumped on what I've heard of the upcoming Gorguts.

Mention of those bands reminded me of Spiral Architect:

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Are we talking metal with non-metal fusions? If so, to be perfectly frank, I've heard very, very few that didn't sound like total shit, IMO.
I've had the opposite experience.

While a lot of people hate them, Diablo Swing Orchestra, in my opinion, does a very good job mixing Metal with other types of music. I've heard them described as a cheap mixture of Metal and Swing, but they do a lot more than just that.

I fucking love the solo at the end.
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beast of a song...

Metal and some POP!



I've seen it being refered to Dub Metal
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This thread is dildos.

When I'm in the mood for something less aggessive, I usually turn to post rock and metal hybrids.




A Forest of stars does some fairly unique blending of black metal and I dont even know what...

And finally, Scrambled Defuncts latest album is a bizarre mash up of brutal death metal and classical music that almost sounds like you're listening to two seperate pieces of music at the same time:
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Also, this is kind of fun... and I know what you're thinking, it's SFU yea, but the song's really about Ice T here... no backward hat wearing white boy rapping, a pretty damn good one instead... and they only did it once. Perfect for a one time thing, I think.
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