Indeed but in covering songs that are essentially Godly to most, you can really drop yourself in the shit if you do it badly. Thats just how things go - of course I wouldn't 'disown' Evile if Cemetery Gates had turned out shit for example. Covering Pantera requires either massive balls from people who know what they're doing, or relentless stupidity from bands who don't have a fucking clue of what they'e doing. Pantera songs are, for the most part, not supposed to be touched. Ever. But if a band goes 'Yeah e can pull this off successfully' then more power to them.
One example would be a Sheffield band called Soul Shredder - I saw them at the Bar Abbey earlier in the year, and one of the other bands had pulled out so these people decided to do a covers set before their main one. Now I'm all for bands doing covers, I think its amazing, but as I mentione with the Pantera thing thre are certain bands or songs that should never EVER be covered under any circumstances, so when this band utterly destroyed Tornado of Souls and Hall of the Mountain King, needless to say I was pissed off as hell. Worst bit was, they didn't even play the songs correctly either - so of course, it seemed that they didn't think it through. Two songs that are off limits to everyone on earth for a good reason, you know?
Some people call it petty, they can fuck right off really. Thats just how it is with cover songs, you either do the song justice or you don't do it at all - it's an incredible and entirely welcome surprise when you get the really good ones (in relation to the Dimebag tribute, Cemetery Gates and Sandblasted Skin come to mind) but overall, a lot of songs are est left untouched entirely. The number of Pantera, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Slayer, Sepultura and Destruction songs I've heard butchered beyond the point of it being funny is painful.
Also, tits.