Metal horns abuse

"More charitable members, such as former Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine"

WTF former frontman he still kicks ass as the leader of Megadeth
he's awalys been ther like Scoot has awalys been there for anthrax

but i must agree that the 'metal' sing is used too much by people who are not even rometly metal
its bad for metal health we must fix it
"More charitable members, such as former Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine"

WTF former frontman he still kicks ass as the leader of Megadeth
he's awalys been ther like Scoot has awalys been there for anthrax

but i must agree that the 'metal' sing is used too much by people who are not even rometly metal
its bad for metal health we must fix it

nice post :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Wogs like my parents were using way before us Metal heads got in on the act.
Means 'giraffe' in British Sign Language:lol:
Perhaps I should use it when I finally get to use my free tickets to the safari park? :headbang:

metal fans love their wildlife:p
Maybe instead of doing the sign we could just yell out giraffe? It wouldnt confuse people with hard hearing like the sign would...right?
maby its an idea
we could all yell out giraffe and give the horns
hell im doing it right now

its actually fun