Metal in the South

The best music comes from areas where heavy music is not accpeted. When they try to squash any scene that scene will always end up stronger. Look at Vader. When those guys were learning their shit, they were breaking the law. Look at Orphaned Land. Those guys get tossed in jail all the time just for being in a band. The south has had an endless stream of amazing music come out. You ever hear of the band Slater-Kinney? It's a fucking street a few feet from my house that those bimbos got the idea for their name. Heavy music in my town is squashed hard. Almost every good musician I know drives an hour to Seattle just to find other metal heads to play with, but the bands that do fight the good fight are damn good. go to and download an MP3 to see what I mean.
Hey man I sympathize with you. I live in the barren midwest, where metal shows are few are faaaar between. Yeah, it's fuckin IOWA!! But I can't complain, since I like it.

By the way, I was in Alabama over spring break, and I'd have to agree with you. It's pretty hardcore country down friends and I tried to find a non-country radio station while driving and it was nigh-impossible.
central Mississippi here. If I'm lucky I can catch a show here and there in Memphis, TN or in New Orleans, LA, or maybe Atlanta, GA if i feel like making the 5-6 hour drive. I have no trouble getting CDs and such because of the internet, but there's dick here for musicians. I've been trying to get a serious band together for years and can't find much of anyone.
Darkness Eternal said:
New Jersey is fucking gay.

hey im from new jersey so fuck you, you fuckin' fuck. (sorry thats how we are trained to respond here in the garden state)

as for the south, get into bluegrass those guys are out of control.
I live in Alabama too. There isn't that much metal down here, but I know of a few good local bands. You should check out Convergence from Within and if you like Opeth, check out Lilitu, but they're from Georgia.
I was out in Vegas about 2 years ago waiting in line to get into a Judas Priest show, when I started talking to these two guys in front of me from NYC. Turns out we all liked lots of the same bands, they were just so surprised that someone from Mississippi had heard of em before. Bout all I did was laugh at them from that point on. Just because bands don't tour here doesn't mean we don't listen to them.
Griff7272 said:
I was out in Vegas about 2 years ago waiting in line to get into a Judas Priest show, when I started talking to these two guys in front of me from NYC. Turns out we all liked lots of the same bands, they were just so surprised that someone from Mississippi had heard of em before. Bout all I did was laugh at them from that point on. Just because bands don't tour here doesn't mean we don't listen to them.

:lol: :lol:

Metal in the South. You silly Country bastard... :Spin:

Just kidding, man! :headbang:
From what I've seen from living near Dallas, as far as local metal goes, everyone more or less enjoys sounding like everyone else. Like a dumbed-down Hatebreed (you be the judge of whether that's a good thing or not). With the exception of ...When Life Has Ceased, I've yet to see a group that was worth two shits.
And for anyone who lives near the Plano/Frisco area and has their head up their ass, there's a CD Warehouse on Preston and 121 that caters almost entirely to metal folk. God Dawg, it rules.