Why must so many pretty women in the South be crazy Christians?

I'm from South Carolina and I live in Mississippi now for school. There are some gorgeous women both at the University of SC and at Mississippi State where I currently am. There are gorgeous women all over the south, but I've found a disturbing trend.

I know I'm a minority in the south, because I'm a liberal Atheist and I don't think that my beliefs (or lack thereof) and politics mesh well at all with these beautiful women that are seemingly everywhere. All the nice, pretty women are extremely Conservative Baptist/Methodist/Protestant Christians! They love Christ and loved pres. Bush, and all that stuff that I am totally against.

Anyone else notice this trend with the vast majority of southern women? Discuss.

I'm not quite sure what's going on lately, but we're all tending to get off on these "hot" topic threads. :lol: I think more of our bands need to get off of their butts and make some noise, so that we can go back to discussing music.

Anyway, I was born and raised in East Tennessee, the buckle of the "Bible Belt" if you will. In addition, I still live in Johnson City, attend a Methodist Church regularly and have no intentions of moving at this point in my life.

Palabra, I'm not sure in what context to take your "crazy Christian" comment, but I'm going to assume you don't think all Christians are crazy. With that said, I think the answer to your question is simple. Throughout the entire U.S., historical trends shape people's up-bringing, habits, and beliefs. Here in the south, Protestant Religion is more common than other places in the country, plain and simple. Basically, it's just the culture here in the south. With that said, something about the south must appeal to you, if you've chosen to attend school here. Do you know what that is?

Hey Su and guys I don't know. I was born and continue to live in Virginia and I do consider myself a Christian, but do not confuse that with "religious". I truly love all kinds of people and especially love meeting and getting to know people that are like minded (decent music, art, ect). Personally, I am attracted to people who KNOW what they are into and what they detest, and I admire them even if I don't agree with them. Southern women (or women from anywhere) that are wrapped up in the idealology dictated by a church may denounce activities that you enjoy....but maybe not. If you met me and I said I was going to church on Sunday and loved God, don't take that to mean that I do not enjoy movies that would make most men cry for their Mommies, loud ass music, and (like Spag said) might not be a tiger in the sack. The descriptor "Christian" does not mean the same thing to all of those that use it!

Good luck!
And now we know how Drew manages to get girlfriends. ;)

I think the key idea is in Sizzlewho's response: Don't confuse religious with spiritual. Someone can identify themselves as a part of a religion, but perhaps they take a more spiritual view of their faith, rather than a religious one. Christian does not always = crazy fundamentalist. I have known my fair share of those, but you will find them in ANY faith, including people who identify themselves as Athiests. Truth be told, I've met more Athiests who were unbending about their beliefs than I have Christians who were unbending. But that's my experience, and certainly not reflective of everyone else's experiences. :)

The point is (which many people have already made) to find out more about the girls you meet, beyond the "OMG CHRISTIAN!!!" lable they may have. There are good people in any system of belief, just as there are the crazies. It's best to take each person on an individual basis.
The term "crazy Christian" was meant to spark interest, not to offend. I wasn't being overly serious, but the "crazy" ones that I do mention are either of the fundamentalist variety (i.e. Earth is only a few thousand years old, the Bible is not only a moral guidebook, but also complete and total fact that is irrefutable) OR (and these are the more common) the ones who have been in conservative Christian households their whole lives and never once questioned, doubted, or examined their belief structure.

Christianity as a moral guideline works in many instances. If one adopts the "love thy neighbor" philosophy of the New Testament, then they can lead very respectful lives. Where I begin to lose it is when it goes outside of the lines of "how should we treat others" and "what happens when we die", into "this is how the world was actually made," "the world will actually end exactly as described by this one dude," and "a man actually rose from the dead---with no one around in the middle of the night."

My issue is that there are simply too many of these unquestioning people in rural America. They don't even take a moment to think about how seriously they take their faith and how it limits themselves as people. And for some reason, the women I'm more attracted to physically are like this. Very frustrating.

Also, I am well aware of what some of you have mentioned--that some of these "Christians" are not-so-Christian when it comes to sex, partying, and other things like that. Then I say why pretend to have that faith in the first place? I want to move on to a society that hasn't put so much pressure on our children to be exactly like their parents. Just because mom and dad say that the Bible is law doesn't mean you have to believe that. If you actively defy the Bible's teachings and then call yourself a Christian, cut the bullshit. Don't hide behind the cop-out "Jesus died for my sins" and just accept that you're a person that likes to have casual, consentual sex from time to time and enjoys to socially drink.
My issue is that there are simply too many of these unquestioning people in rural America. They don't even take a moment to think about how seriously they take their faith and how it limits themselves as people. And for some reason, the women I'm more attracted to physically are like this. Very frustrating.

Also, I am well aware of what some of you have mentioned--that some of these "Christians" are not-so-Christian when it comes to sex, partying, and other things like that. Then I say why pretend to have that faith in the first place? I want to move on to a society that hasn't put so much pressure on our children to be exactly like their parents. Just because mom and dad say that the Bible is law doesn't mean you have to believe that. If you actively defy the Bible's teachings and then call yourself a Christian, cut the bullshit. Don't hide behind the cop-out "Jesus died for my sins" and just accept that you're a person that likes to have casual, consentual sex from time to time and enjoys to socially drink.

it isn't just *rural* america...you can find fundamentalist whack jobs anywhere, including the "big cities"--you can find "the end is near" evangelicals all over the place in Manhattan, Chicago, Boston and the like...and you can find the "the bible is truth" folks everywhere too...sheeple don't just congregate in rural areas

it seems that you're just stuck in a situtation where you are hemmed in by it

and the fact that you are attracted to those types? that says a lot about you ;)
(KIDDING...i know you can't read the sarcasm into the typing...but i really am just joking).

really,try to not get bogged down in the fact that the hottie ou like has bible study once a week and then church on sunday...work around that and get to know HER...you might be surprised.

of course, i could be way wrong and you are stuck in some uber-conservative bastion of mega-church-land and you're the only non-believer out there...in which case...good luck, smile and nod, duck and cover and get out while you can!
The term "crazy Christian" was meant to spark interest, not to offend. I wasn't being overly serious, but the "crazy" ones that I do mention are either of the fundamentalist variety (i.e. Earth is only a few thousand years old, the Bible is not only a moral guidebook, but also complete and total fact that is irrefutable) OR (and these are the more common) the ones who have been in conservative Christian households their whole lives and never once questioned, doubted, or examined their belief structure.

Christianity as a moral guideline works in many instances. If one adopts the "love thy neighbor" philosophy of the New Testament, then they can lead very respectful lives. Where I begin to lose it is when it goes outside of the lines of "how should we treat others" and "what happens when we die", into "this is how the world was actually made," "the world will actually end exactly as described by this one dude," and "a man actually rose from the dead---with no one around in the middle of the night."

My issue is that there are simply too many of these unquestioning people in rural America. They don't even take a moment to think about how seriously they take their faith and how it limits themselves as people. And for some reason, the women I'm more attracted to physically are like this. Very frustrating.

Also, I am well aware of what some of you have mentioned--that some of these "Christians" are not-so-Christian when it comes to sex, partying, and other things like that. Then I say why pretend to have that faith in the first place? I want to move on to a society that hasn't put so much pressure on our children to be exactly like their parents. Just because mom and dad say that the Bible is law doesn't mean you have to believe that. If you actively defy the Bible's teachings and then call yourself a Christian, cut the bullshit. Don't hide behind the cop-out "Jesus died for my sins" and just accept that you're a person that likes to have casual, consentual sex from time to time and enjoys to socially drink.

Palabra, I decided last week after talking with Glenn that I'm not going to use this forum to discuss any of my personal views any longer. That doesn't include my personal views about music though. With that said, I invite anyone to send me a PM and we can have a private discussion. I'll attempt to answer any questions to the best of my ability regarding my faith. I will tell you this, I am a fundamental Christian that accepted my faith early in life. I say that, because that will give you an idea of how I believe. With that said, I don't feel like I'm any better than anyone else by any stretch of the imagination. Again, if you have any specifics, feel free to shoot me a PM.

A crawfish statement on the term "crazy Christianity"...anti-Christian rant...blah, blah...

I could go into a long discussion here about Christian beliefs but it's nothing that you couldn't find very easily yourself with a small amount of research, but that's not going to happen because of your hate for Christianity. You meant to offend...pure & simple. And, you choose not to understand...pure & simple.
I could go into a long discussion here about Christian beliefs but it's nothing that you couldn't find very easily yourself with a small amount of research, but that's not going to happen because of your hate for Christianity. You meant to offend...pure & simple. And, you choose not to understand...pure & simple.

I think you misquoted my post a little bit, so I'm going to assume you didn't read it. I know what Christianity is about, I know some of the idiosyncratic differences in the denominations, I know the basic belief structure, and I don't hate it. I've read a large portion of the Bible, and I have done enough research to know where I stand. What incorrect statement have I made about fundamental Christianity? Like I just said, I don't hate it, I just have my issues and choose not to have adopted it into my own way of life.
Obviously, you remain offended, and I feel sorry for you man--I didn't attack you personally. If anything, I celebrate the fact that we live in a country where we can co-exist with such different personal values and beliefs.

This whole topic wasn't purely based just on my issues with Christianity (which it has become, to my chagrin). It was actually based on the fact that I feel frustrated that so many women in the South have adopted the status quo: conservative politics and Protestant Christianity (primarily Southern Baptist or Methodist), and I was just wondering if anyone else who might share my beliefs feels the same way.

Wouldn't the Christians out there feel a bit frustrated if they were in my same situation? Imagine you go to a new school or move to a new town, to find that the vast majority of potential mates were socially and economically liberal, agnostic/atheist/irreligious people. You might find one decent church to go to, not what I see here: 20 Protestant Churches in as many miles on one strip of highway (I counted...I know, I'm an asshole).

But it's freaking uncomfortable for me when I simply "come out" as an atheist here in Mississippi. I have met more than one person who had never met someone who didn't believe in God before!!! I was shocked, and I was close to being offended, dude. Atheism has such a negative social stigma, especially in the South, it has continously created uncomfortable situations when I not only talk about the music I listen to, but also the fact that I am not a Christian at all. Therefore, even when it comes to meeting women that I would just like to hang out with, I always have to ignore the fact that I disagree with them wholeheartedly on some of the most important parts of my personality.
My wife is christian, but she never goes to church, prays, or any thing of that sort. She believes in jesus and god and keeps it as simple as that. I am one of those stuck in between and I too keep it simple though. I believe in a higher being, and everybody's own ideas and thoughts of that higher being make that higher being their god, which is all the same being, I just don't use the label god, unless you want to use that for your own personal view of that being. In short, there is a higher being, everybody's own definition and view of that higher being is "god" in their own mind. There aren't two people out there that have the same exact idea and view of god in their heads, everybody pictures and imagines him differently, but many do have similarities, but I doubt two people have the same exact vision.

I hate church and organized religions, but I bet I live a more "moral" life than many religious folks. My wife and I have only been with each other and we are just good geniune people that help any of our family and friends in need if possible. I have met many devout religious folks who sleep around like mad and wouldn't help a friend out if their life depended on it, but they always went to church every sunday and pass themselves off as these holier than thou types. My main rule is that of the satanic church(I read the satanic bible a few years back out of curiosity) and that is, live your life as you see fit, just don't infringe on the rights of others.
Palabra, I decided last week after talking with Glenn that I'm not going to use this forum to discuss any of my personal views any longer.

I'm not Glenn, but I think he would tell you that this sub-forum is precisely the place for these sorts of discussions, whether your POV agrees with someone else's or not.

...and you can find ultra-liberal nut jobs most everywhere... I didn't coin the phrase, but I like "the land of fruits, nuts and flakes" to accurately describe southern California (except for San Diego which tends to be more conservative due to the high military presence).

More conservative that what? The rest of southern California? :lol:
Wouldn't the Christians out there feel a bit frustrated if they were in my same situation? Imagine you go to a new school or move to a new town, to find that the vast majority of potential mates were socially and economically liberal, agnostic/atheist/irreligious people. You might find one decent church to go to, not what I see here: 20 Protestant Churches in as many miles on one strip of highway (I counted...I know, I'm an asshole).

At one time Christians were in a similar situation, but much more dangerous. There was a time when Christians were hunted down, jailed, condemned, brutalized, and tortured for their beliefs by those who did not agree with them. Mass murders of Christians happened regularly in the ancient world. They had to create symbols to identify one another, so they could discuss their faith in relative safety. Christianity's beginnings were seeped in blood and terror.

However, those Christians that today condemn and shun those of other faiths seem to have forgotten their own history. If they remembered, perhaps they would not be so quick to condemn those who do not share their beliefs.

Some do remember. And some do not remember, but still strive towards understanding and love. You will find them out there. They do exist. Possibly more of them exist than you might expect. :)

We're not gonna change our religious beliefs just because you don't agree with me

I'm not gonna convert anyone to the Baha'i faith? Well damn, I guess I better leave this forum, then. Forget you, you heathens!

That statement was meant with comedic irony. If you understand why that's ironic, you can have my pocket lint. I have the rare purple kind! :D
Therefore, even when it comes to meeting women that I would just like to hang out with, I always have to ignore the fact that I disagree with them wholeheartedly on some of the most important parts of my personality.

Well, you hit the nail on the head by your own statement. Those people should be willing to hang with you and you should be willing to hang with them. People can continue to be friends eventhough you don't agree about everything.

If you're getting shuned by people that "claim" to be Christian, then they're hypocrites. Basically, they're not worth your time. A true Christian can accept someone for their beliefs, but not have to compromise their own.

I'll go ahead and say something else too. If some of these girls that you speak of are proclaiming to be Christian and acting the opposite are hypocrites as well. People like that have some serious growing up to do and soul searching for themselves. If a person is truly a Christian, then you should be able to tell it by his/her actions. That doesn't mean they're perfect by any stretch, but they're not using their religion as a crutch either.


I'll go ahead and say something else too. If some of these girls that you speak of are proclaiming to be Christian and acting the opposite are hypocrites as well. People like that have some serious growing up to do and soul searching for themselves. If a person is truly a Christian, then you should be able to tell it by his/her actions. That doesn't mean they're perfect by any stretch, but they're not using their religion as a crutch either.


This hits it right on the nail. I have met more atheists and "unchristians" that live more moral lives than most christians I know do. Going to catholic church and school growing up, all church is for most people(mainly teens) is a meeting ground for men/women and they dress more slutty than prostitutes on a corner. I never thought of myself as being "christian" and based on my beliefs I'm not, but I guess based on my morals I am more considered a christian than most christians are. It's a crazy world out there, and people will use religion as a label for themselves, but those labels fall short of how the person truly is.
Well, you hit the nail on the head by your own statement. Those people should be willing to hang with you and you should be willing to hang with them. People can continue to be friends eventhough you don't agree about everything.

I don't think hanging out is the problem, the problem is when it leads to dating. I've never had a problem in dating Christians, but the last guy left a really nasty taste in my mouth (don't go there...yet) because he completely ignored my religious beliefs and flat out told me he didn't care, and didn't care to learn about them or understand them. That was a big red flag to me, because I very much find having the ability to share my spirituality to be a connecting factor in my relationships and when that doesn't exist, it's hard to hold it together on the basis of everything else.
I believe an alien landed in Roswell and probably lives in a penthouse owned by Ted Turner since he seems to own New Mexico.I'm expecting anyday now for TBS to begin a "reality show" based on this alien's life......What religion does that make me?