24 Hours Ago...
I'm from South Carolina and I live in Mississippi now for school. There are some gorgeous women both at the University of SC and at Mississippi State where I currently am. There are gorgeous women all over the south, but I've found a disturbing trend.
I know I'm a minority in the south, because I'm a liberal Atheist and I don't think that my beliefs (or lack thereof) and politics mesh well at all with these beautiful women that are seemingly everywhere. All the nice, pretty women are extremely Conservative Baptist/Methodist/Protestant Christians! They love Christ and loved pres. Bush, and all that stuff that I am totally against.
Anyone else notice this trend with the vast majority of southern women? Discuss.
I'm not quite sure what's going on lately, but we're all tending to get off on these "hot" topic threads.

Anyway, I was born and raised in East Tennessee, the buckle of the "Bible Belt" if you will. In addition, I still live in Johnson City, attend a Methodist Church regularly and have no intentions of moving at this point in my life.
Palabra, I'm not sure in what context to take your "crazy Christian" comment, but I'm going to assume you don't think all Christians are crazy. With that said, I think the answer to your question is simple. Throughout the entire U.S., historical trends shape people's up-bringing, habits, and beliefs. Here in the south, Protestant Religion is more common than other places in the country, plain and simple. Basically, it's just the culture here in the south. With that said, something about the south must appeal to you, if you've chosen to attend school here. Do you know what that is?