American South no longer politically relevant; some report hearing Old Yeller howl

First of all, the South fucking sucks anyway, and any hatred toward the South is inherently justified.

The site is meant to be tongue in cheek, taken with a grain of salt. It is basically expressing the frustrations of "the east coast liberal elite" toward the "real America" that has been made so popular during this election thanks to the McCain campaign. They take all of these moral high grounds and view the coasts as these havens of sin and corruption, when the reality points to this not being any more true of these areas than of the supposedly "real" America.
When will you learn that everything you say around here is taken seriously? If you want to make a joke, no matter how obvious it may seem, I think you may need to add a "joke indicator" such as a smiley face or "LOLJUSTKIDDINGFUNNYAMIRITE????" after each possibly offensive statement.
So I didn't really read the thread, although I read the "fuck the south" thing. It was obviously over the top, but if some redneck for some reason came up to me talking about the real America thing I'd probably quote from it. However, I've never encountered this and so to me the article feels like a pointless, bitter rant.

Anyhow, with regards to the article virus posted it was good. I agree with a lot of what it's saying. And I'd like to emphasize how fucking retarded/negligent you have to be to still think Obama is a muslim. To my mind it's every voter's duty to educate themselves on the positions and backgrounds of the candidates before voting; there are many neutral sites expressly for this purpose. Even a brief check will reveal that this absurd rumor is bullshit.
That said, I'd also like to protest the way everyone just said "He's not Muslim" - all of a sudden Islam is forbidden? I mean, a lot of people have completely accepted the idea that if someone is Muslim they're dangerous and the defense is based entirely on "Obama's not Muslim so he can't be a terrorist."
Just annoys me.
(It's Katrina) and I really question how much sympathy can you have for people (black or white) lacking the simple intelligence to NOT live below sea level next to the fucking sea.

I guess people living in the Midwest that die in tornados or people living on the West Coast that die in earthquakes or people that live anyhwere near the coast that die in hurricanes are all to blame for their own tragedies.

also women who wear skirts are begging to be raped, totally their own fault, right guys? right?