Metal Influenced Art (?)


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Mar 22, 2002
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For years now I've spent alot of time doing sketches and random doodles while listening to my best metel tuneage.Just sittin' there...bouncin'my skull to the rythums,usually high as can be;) and pouring onto paper whatever pencilwork came to mind.The drawing would depend mostly on the mood or atmosphere that that particular tune created.I've known many metalheads who've drawn all the time and wondered if there where any on the boards.I'd love to post a pic,but not sure if I should:s ya'know what?Hell with it!Here's one that Testament inspired
Man I hope I don't get booted fer' this!
Right on'...I've been diggin'zombies(guffah'!)since reading DeadWorld comics.Vincent Locke drew some gruesome shit for that book.He also does Cannibal Corpse's album covers.Doin' album covers would be a sweet gig no doubt:headbang:
I love to draw!!! mainly dragons (especially undead dragons) and other things bizzare. I also love to write!! Since I can't afford real therapy, I turn to writing and drawing to get me thru hard times.
I draw all the time, but I'm more inspired by H.P. Lovecraft than anything else when it comes to inspiration, I do mostly abstract stream of conscious bullshit, mostly just weird shit. But when it comes to emotions and letting go of my built up rage, I just play guitar and funnel everything right into it, alot of people that know me say I'm a cold bastard because I don't talk and don't flip out no matter what, then I play them my bands cd and they understand where it all goes, writing and drawing are great, but nothing beats the feeling you get when you have been working on a peice and finally get it out right, for me that is a release!
I heard that brother!And the best part of lettin' that stuff fly is when you capture that specific moment of "the flowage",and knowing what you just laid down is some of the heaviest mojo-induced stuff ever.Only if everybody could appreciate the detail,ya'know?:Smug: