Metal Logos


Junior Member
May 29, 2001
London, England
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ok ive just come back from Nile/Behemoth/April Ethereal (opeth wannabees who played a cover of Demon of the fall)

and just looking round at peoples t-shirts, even mine i just wondered, why are ALL (all means most) the logos hard to read unless you know it?
That's a very good question. Before I got into more extreme forms of metal, I would see people's shirts and try to make out what they said with not much luck. I guess since the music is sometimes difficult to understand therefore the logos have to be equally as difficult to read.
Originally posted by Till Fjalls
How are April Ethereal? I've never heard them before, but have heard of them.

I don't want to say they aren't any good, but I've taken dumps that would be more worthwhile to stick in my CD player than that band's Advent CD.
personally i find the hard to read logo's much more mysterious and artistic. bands like Darkthrone, Cradle Of Filth, old Katatonia .... they have great logo's.
it can look cool

but it can look as stupid as their corpse makeup they wear so i guess its all part of the packag
How about a review of the show? How was Behemoth and what songs did they play?
personally i think corpse paint can look good with some bands image. if a band put on a good live show with lots of visual as well as good music then corpse paint can be just another good effect.
personally i think corpse paint can look good with some bands image. if a band put on a good live show with lots of visual as well as good music then corpse paint can be just another good effect.
agreed, but most of the time i think it doesnt, just like most of the time i dont think scribbled logos which you cant read look good either, it seems to just be "something they do coz everyone else does it". im probably wrong though.

i dont mind if bands include 'entertainment' aspects in their music package, just so long as the music is the important thing, not the image or the logo or the 'im so evil' thing...

just my opinion anyway, i make no claims that what i like is what everyone should like.
I always liked the "Death" logo in all its stages. Most "gimmicky" logo has to go to a bad 70's group called "Angel". They designed it so it looked the same up side down as right side up. :eek:
Most "gimmicky" logo has to go to a bad 70's group called "Angel". They designed it so it looked the same up side down as right side up.
that sounds like something i'd like to see! hehe :confused:

bring back 80's hair metal logos such as Poison and Motley Crue i say!!


nah i love the hard to read logo's, they're so much more deep and atmospheric, they reflect the music really well... for example, would Darkthrone's Under A Funeral Moon album give you the same impression without the logo and the darkness with the guy wearing corpse paint in it? i don't thikn so!!
yeah April Ethereal are pretty crap, i was upset and when they sang Demon of the fall cover it wasn't giving opeth justice. they lacked a drummer but i dont think that would make much difference. i cant be bothered to do a review now, i will later though.
Originally posted by musicholic
I always liked the "Death" logo in all its stages. Most "gimmicky" logo has to go to a bad 70's group called "Angel". They designed it so it looked the same up side down as right side up. :eek:

I would definitely have to agree that Death's logos are very cool. That Angel logo is very interesting.

Thanks for the pic, justus x.