Metal Mania w/Dream Theater?

Aug 1, 2005
Batavia, IL
Anyone catch the Metal Mania on Vh1 tonight that featured Dream Theater? Aside from most likely the first viewing of the Pull Me Under video in prime-time since around 1992, there were some pretty cool interview segments with Petrucci and Portnoy which concluded with them talking about hitting the studio soon for a new album.

Afterwards, 1 hour of footage from their upcoming DVD, Score, was played. Being at the show I can say that this DVD definitely captured the energy and magic of the show. I wish more bands could put out DVD's of this calibur.
hehe, i just posted up something on the concert. it's showing right now out here in CA. i only saw that last 10 mins or so of the interviews/videos they played prior to this.
I missed the VH1 show...but I did get a call on my cell phone letting me know that I was just spotted on a segment of the DVD that was showing. :rock:

I'm on board for Tuesday am as well. I hope I can make it to my lunch hour to rush out to the store.
I've seen DT on Metal Mania several times in the past... considering Pull Me Under was #1 on the HBB countdown for weeks on end back when it came out, I'd be surprised if someone WASN'T playing it.
Unfortunately, it's hard to tell from VH1 Classic's site when the rebroadcast of this one will be. You can find Metal Mania in their on-line TV schedule, but the specific topics / features are not listed. If anyone else can figure out a rebroadcast schedule, please post!

I think metalsped and I did the same thing, but he's better at it than me. On DirecTV's schedule, there are 5 upcoming listings for "Metal Mania: Dream Theater" but I couldn't distinguish from Score vs the episode. So record 'em all! The times (CENTRAL) are

8/26 noon, 11pm
8/27 5pm
8/28 10am

EDIT! OK, to find broadcast times of Score, you need to search on Classic in Concert, the hour interview/video DT show is under Metal Mania.
That was confusing. Classic in Concert featuring Score is broadcast at (CENTRAL times)

8/26 1pm, 10pm
8/27 6pm, 9pm
8/28 11am

So, to get both the hour of Score and the DT Metal Mania, record on VH1 Classic for two hours starting at these times (CENTRAL)

Sat 8/26 noon or 10pm
Sun 8/27 5pm
Mon 8/28 10am

Some of you might know that this cd has leaked. And yes, *I* have received it from a friend that DL'd it...I just simply could not wait any longer. That being said, I'm still onboard for the Tuesday buying of the CD and DVD as I always want the packaging and art work that comes with any cd.

I just finished listening to 27+ minutes of Octavarium.....and am now on 6 Degrees, 24 minutes into a 41 minute 'song'........and all I can say is....


This is even better than I remember it being. When James yelled out to see our hands in the air clapping I even started clapping here at home...:lol:

Tuesday just can't come soon enough!!!!
kellsco said:
This is even better than I remember it being. When James yelled out to see our hands in the air clapping I even started clapping here at home...:lol:

LOL - always nice to see that kind of passion.

It was indeed a great show, one I'll remember for a long time. I sat directly in front of Mike Portnoy's family.

Write better songs? Less chaff, more beef on their next cd? :heh:
J-Dubya - Wants to still like DT, but is having a hard time with it....
(James DOES sound good on "Score")
The Metal Mania episode with the DT guys aired like 4 times over the weekend with pretty much the same videos except for the 2nd one after Pull me Under which was King's X and another one on a separate airing.