Are you serious? To me that's like saying i love this authors work but his books are too long. I think I'll skip some chapters. The book would either make no sense or its value would be sorely diminished.
Ever read an overly long boring book that you wished would hurry up and be over?
Im not saying that the music is bad or whatnot, because that would be plain stupid of me. I feel alot of prog bands just write these songs because they think they need to. I prefer songs more to the point. I think you can write an amazing prog piece in well under 10 minutes. Even within 5 minutes.
3 examples of bands who i personally love to death, but have songs i dont bother listening to because i feel theyre just long for the sake of being long...
1) Dream Theater -six degrees of inner turbulance- if this song were broken up into parts and made standalone independant songs i would love it. but as is i cant listen to it. ridiculously long.
2) Circus Maximus- the 1st chapter-amazing band, amazing album. long for the sake of having a long song, the music contained within is amazing tho.
3) Symphony X-the divine wings of tragedy-same reason as circus maximus
10 years ago i thought the longer the song the better too. but people and opinions change i guess