Metal Maniacs

Originally posted by NvmbrsDoom5
I must be the only person who isn't enthralled with Cristina Scabbia. I stood about one foot away from her and checked her out. She's pretty, but not amazing. *shrug*

Im with you Larry, I find her to be one of the girls, that her looks vary from photo to photo. At times, I think she looks great, and others, very plain. And in person, she was... well, id say... cute.
Ill even post some examples....



You doomy people...:p

Well considering I am female , I didn't pick it up to drool, heh. I just happen to be a fan of the band. Honestly, I don't think that most pictures do her justice. I will agree that some pics are better than others. In person I thought she was a doll. I know quite a few people that salivate all over themselves over her...that's fine and dandy. For me, I just love to hear her sing:)
Originally posted by NvmbrsDoom5
I must be the only person who isn't enthralled with Cristina Scabbia. I stood about one foot away from her and checked her out. She's pretty, but not amazing. *shrug*

Nope, I'm not exactly gah-gah over her either. I'm also not too crazy about LC, though the new song "Swamped" is pretty good.