Metal Market and Things

Power Crazy

For The Power & The Glory
Jan 15, 2004
The Flat Lands
Since it seems we are going to have to wait a wee while longer for any more band notifications let's consider the other aspects of the Bloodstock experience.

1) The Metal Market.
It would be good if we had a little bit more variety this year. Last year it was CDs, CDs and more CDs. We Power Metallers know we have to order our fix from Germany or elsewhere and are unlikely to find any useful additions on the Bloodstock stalls. I went ready to buy a load of T-Shirts and was denied.
So can we limit the CD sellers and try and interest other traders to come along.

2) Food.
How about a couple more food stalls. Metal Heads have to eat, it soaks up the beer and it means missing a band to go in to the town centre to find something. That was a real bummer last year as I wanted to see the all. Cold food is good.

3) Band T-Shirts.
Can someone explain to the bands, the foreign ones in particular, that we have this thing called customs and it is manned by non-Metallers who enjoy nothing more than holding up merchandise for no good reason.
Suggest to the bands to allow a few days to get the stuff through as there is nothing like getting your T-Shirt "on the day". It's not the same buying it over the web.

4) Timing
If the timing slips on one stage can we slip the timing on the other. It is hard enough to see everyone when it all runs smoothly. Late running blows any chance.

5) Bringing In Water.
I think the Assembly Rooms should have realised by now that we aren't going to trash the place. Maybe the security could lighten up and at least let us bring some bottles of water in.

Anyone still reading, I thought not. I'll sod off then.

Ok, I'm not saying I disagree with what you're saying, but I'd like to counter a few points.

So can we limit the CD sellers and try and interest other traders to come along.
Is it not usually the case though that most traders will wish to sell a mix of the two, rathe than one or the other?

How about a couple more food stalls. Metal Heads have to eat,
I've found the catering in the Aseembly rooms to be sufficiant. Cheaper than your usual festival burger van, plentiful in supplies and never a ridiculous queue.

Maybe the security could lighten up and at least let us bring some bottles of water in.
Realistically though, why should the Assembly Rooms allow this when virtually no other licensed venue in the country does?
Catharsis said:
I've found the catering in the Aseembly rooms to be sufficiant. Cheaper than your usual festival burger van, plentiful in supplies and never a ridiculous queue.
Not sure about that. The queue is if not ridiculous, then at least lengthy. And the supplies are not plentiful. Yes, last year was better than '01 and '02, but they still ran out of meat way too early.
Catharsis i agree with you entirely there... Also id like to say that the whole point of them selling cds was to offer you the opportunity to buy your cds here and anyway these days you dont have to order from germany anyway... Pray tell, what cds do you order from germany that you couldnt find at blodstock?... I seriously doubt that that is true, the stalls were excellent and the stallholders were obviously full on metalheads who would take offense at your critiscism... still i can see where your coming from in places but i wouldnt go so far... more t-shirts would be great...
More Ts is a fine idea. I agree somewhat with the comment on the meat running out too quickly also.
The water thing is tight as hell, and I agree with you, but seeing as the bars are obliged (by law, I believe) to hand out free water, there's not much point taking it in anyway.

I would like to add something I've been saying since my hellish Nightwish signing experience...


To stop those bastards pushing in and upsetting my girlfriend
Jonoleth said:
Pray tell, what cds do you order from germany that you couldnt find at blodstock?... I seriously doubt that that is true, the stalls were excellent and the stallholders were obviously full on metalheads who would take offense at your critiscism... QUOTE]

To a degree I agree with Power Crazy. Some of the cd stalls were excellent for this country. However once you've seen some of the cds stores in Germany you'll probably see his point.
For me ..yes..the lack of T-shirts last year was disappointing. However in 02 there was a plentiful supply. I think it just depends on the bands getting it right. Certainly BG had loads of lovely Ts with them. (I bought a load!)

Personally I love having a look at the CD stores....plenty of choice! I found though that there was not enough jewellery stalls last year. Only one I think! ( I know Eagle.... I don't need any more..but a girl likes to look!)

The food is adequate....I would love to see more variety but I guess Vince is at the mercy of the Assembly Rooms catering staff. Thai would be good! I have somne good recipes! ;)

As far as the Nightwish signing goes.....I don't think anyone could have predicted what happened..certainly it has never happened before......and I think security will be the way to go for the bigger bands this year...which is a shame you would expect us all to be respectful...but I guess once people have a beer or few they forget their manners! Certainly if someone pushed in front of me they would live to regret it big style!!
I couldn't get a Masterplan t-shirt last year! :(

I have no complaints far as food goes...i never eat any anyways and there is plenty places outside of the assembly rooms to get food!

I go purely for the love of the live music and I tend not to be bothered with any of the rest.
Only one small thing as i've mentioned here before!!! DON'T RUN OUT OF LAGER!!!

The alcohol is the only thing i'm particularly bothered about other than the bands.
Jonoleth said:
Catharsis i agree with you entirely there... Also id like to say that the whole point of them selling cds was to offer you the opportunity to buy your cds here and anyway these days you dont have to order from germany anyway... Pray tell, what cds do you order from germany that you couldnt find at blodstock?...

I have no problem at all with the CD sellers, I think they are excellent. The point I failed to get across is that due to shit record shops in my locale I have probably bought most stuff that I want (at the moment anyway) already, online and that I wouldn't expect to find too much that I didn't have at the stalls at Bloodstock. Maybe I am just too fussy.
The point I was trying to make is that last year it was overwhelmingly CD stalls and not too much of anything else.

I wasn't having a go at anyone and if this years format is exactly the same I shall be more than happy.

I too favour the veggie option.

Bring it on!!
Thai food would be nice indeed... hmmm! but I doubt it, unless you want to strap on an apron yourself? I could help, I can cook instant rice/noodles in less than 4 minutes!

Being a victim of the nightwish 'hillsbrough' last year, I can safely say that those people were just rude BASTARDS and if anyone who did that is reading this, I hope you fall over into a ditch of acid while an elephant piloted by a 26st porn star treads your rude BASTARD head into the floor so far that your eyes are blinded by the searing heat of the earth's core!

It was nasty :(
Only one small thing as i've mentioned here before!!! DON'T RUN OUT OF LAGER!!!
Even more importantly though, SELL ALE! \m/

I wasn't drinking last year, so I wasn't really paying attention to what was onsale. I really would appreciate some proper beer being sold at this years fest however. Considering it'll be cask, it doesn't even need to have the lines and pump installed, and the Assembly Rooms contract will quite easily allow for them to purchase a variety of ales for those of us who prefer not to have our insides frozen by rats piss. :)
I find the taste of Lager rather pleasent actually...I always said i'd never like it because when I was 15 I never went to pubs round my area and thus had to drink cans which are awful. Nice draught pint of fosters is nice though :)
(of course owt is better than cider which i was forced to drink last year)

Man all this talk about Bloodstock is making me sick of waiting already.....still 6 and a half months yet!
divineslayer666 said:
(of course owt is better than cider which i was forced to drink last year)
Ahem. Cider is my drink of choice. Last year was the first that I was drinking. I was driving in '01 and '02, so I couldn't drink. I was somewhat disappointed that they didn't serve any decent cider, though. Just the same old shit that you find in London pubs (I think it was Strongbow or Dry Blackthorn, IIRC). So I just stuck to bottles of bitchpiss instead.
Real Ale is to Lager what Scrumpy is to Cider!
So long as there are a few bottles of Hobgoblin, Dark Lord or other suitably metal named real ales on sale I will be happy, to be fair though I don't intend on drinking alot as numbing my senses won't exactly heighten the live experience!
I tend to try to resist the urge to drink a lto anyways now. I mean I can go out clubbing any day and get wasted. I think I might just stay sober at Bloodstock and i'll enjoy it more.
It's bloody awful headbanging etc when you're pissed.
Long as they have something I like to I can have a few pints.
I try not to take money for cd's as i'd end up buying too many and i do not need anymore cd's. I don't even have time to listen to all the ones i've got!
The damn tab machines run out straight away though....which is probably good for me saying as though i've quite smoking! Last year I was half way round town of derby looking for some tabs when they ran out :p
mmm, ale. Bottles would keep me happy, but i'd prefer cask. mmm, cask hobgoblin...apparently there's a pub somewhere in derby which sells this...who's joining me in finding it?


I believe the pub your after for Hobgoblin is 'The Old Institute'.

As for the Assembly rooms serving Hobgoblin, it certainly isn't available to them through their contract with the brewer although they may be able to order from outside suppliers also.

There really is no reason not to be pouring from a few casks however, obviously there are going to be a lot of people who'd really appreciate it.