Metal on VH1 Classics

Bass Fellow

Feb 7, 2002
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Every now and then I flip over to Metal Mania on Sat. nights. This week I couldn't turn it off b/c within a half hour it was Anthrax(Antisocial), Megadeth(Wake up Dead), Overkill(Hello from the Gutter), Motorhead, Voivod and Slayer(Raining Blood/Black Magic)!!! Then I flipped over to HBB and they're playing Manowar. What the fuck??? Nobody here likes Manowar :grin:
I love vh1 metal mania! i watch it every weekend. FUCK HEADBANGERS BALL.
where else are you going to watch OVERKILL,TESTEMENT,SLAYER,PANTERA,MEGADETH,JUDAS PRIEST,IRON MAIDEN,and a little hair metal wont hurt anyone.
afew days ago on classic live they showed Judas Priest live in the east I think which ever was their newest dvd.