Metal production WIKI

Sep 5, 2003
belfast, UK
Been a long time since I've been on here and it seems very busy, which is good.
So, just to see if there's any interest in this before I scrap it, check out
I'll take the number of registrations AND edits as a guide to the level of interest

The wiki has all the old info on it, but could really do with an update for the last few years or so of posts.
I'll keep it up for a while and if there's not enough interest i'll think about what to do.
Dude, I've had that link on my bookmarks bar for a long time and I'm not planning on taking it off anytime soon. Some updates might be a good idea, but I don't think it needs any huge overhauls or anything.
that's a huge amount of information man....
really good!
when i get the chance, i'll read everything. meantime, you should hang on to it....
Dude, I've had that link on my bookmarks bar for a long time and I'm not planning on taking it off anytime soon. Some updates might be a good idea, but I don't think it needs any huge overhauls or anything.

lol, same here.
I like lists like this because I can read from top to bottom without searching specific things. It's nice because sometimes I really don't know what I'm looking for.

+1 for keeping this going
This was a great idea + disappointed to see that its gone already. I tried to sign up a new wiki at the site the original one was on but signups don't seem to be working anymore.

@locus_coeruleus you mean like this? ? :p