Metal Song!


Jan 14, 2009

"Noname 2nd Edition" is history, the song is now called Death Parade

Alan Keillor (alkie from cakewalk forums) has written lyrics and added clean vocal to the song.

Mark Haigh (mgh from cakewalk forums) has done the screaming/growling vocals and added a solo guitar part.

The song has been remixed and mastered by myself, and i would really love if some of you would comment on
that, what's good and what's not. How can i improve if not?

The instrumental is still available from my soundclick page. If anyone else wants to try doing the vocals or
add something interesting please contact me :)

Thank you Mark and Alan :)


Hello there fellow rockers!

I have recorded a new Metal song and would like some reviews.
Feel free to give me some tips about the mixing/arranging/sound or other things, and i value contructive critisims as much as praise.

For now this song is instrumental, but i'm looking for a Vocalist who think they can contribute and add good lyrics and a great voice to this song.

The song currently have no name as no lyrics are written yet.
It's called "Noname 2nd Edition" for now.

Thank you :rock:
i like it! sounds like progressive metal. nice guitar tone and keyboard parts and arrangement. you could probably try to replace a few seconds towards 3/4 of the song with a ripping guitar solo, for greater impact. and get a vocalist similar to Matt Barlow. the lyrics could be about riding a mystical beast while vanquishing vile creatures. or surprise buttsecks with slutty princesses.
The production sounds very good, although the guitars get a little drowned out in the mix when there's a constant double bass attack. There isn't much variety within each riff and some of the transitions are lacking/confusing. I think a little more flair could be added to the recurring piano part you have. I'm assuming you're programming the drums, and I know it's easy to just half-ass it and have it repeat the same stuff over and over again, but I would suggest some variation in the way of interesting fills. Lastly, a few small solos or leads could add a nice spice.
What programs are you using for programming?
Aug: Thank you for responding. I have thought about adding a solo, but i really want to get the lyrics and the vocals down before making more changes. If you know somebody with recording software, please contact me :)

WindsOVCreation: Thank you. I know its intence, and it is supposed to be. You are specific and i like that, good advice :)

The software for this song is:
Cakewalk Sonar 8
Guitar Rig 3
Addictive Drums
Dimension Pro
Miroslav Philharmonic

And different effects and mastering tools.

I'm really looking for a vocalist, please respond. Anybody?
I'm glad you liked the fact that I was specific. A lot of "constructive criticism" is too vague and it doesn't really help anyone.

What kind of vocals are you looking for? Growling? Screaming? Power-metal-style? Regular singing?

Growling, screaming i guess. Kinda Dimmu B or Satyricon'ish i think would
fit this song.
the good: nice production and some catchy stuff, the best part of the song was the riff 2:28, i like that part alot.

the bad: its too predictable and repetetive and alot of the stuff has been heard 100 times before, try to write something that isnt predictable and done before.
I like that really...good song!

some things I would change:
In the beginning the High-Hat is a bit too loud for me, should always be in background for my ears ^^
like said, change speed of snare from time to time, maybee fill in some short Blast beats.
And some more fills in between, makes a bit more open to the ears.

thats all... find some on for the Vocals and I buy a CD from you!!!

by the way, Congrats to your Girlfriend.. she looks hot :lol:
Everything sounds nice. I like the main riff. Definitely needs something more going on, though. Vocals would help. At this point it sounds a lot like Dimmu Borgir...take that how you will.
tagradh: Great tips about the snare :) I kinda like the volume level
of the guitars though. A matter of taste i guess.

BeneathTheMassacre Thank you for the compliment! :) But how am i to
create something thats never been heard before?
That is not my aim. Someone will always say that
they have heard a similar riff i.e before.
If you think my song have some "catchy" stuff,
then i have achieved my goal. All music is
influenced by other music (sound, composing i.e)
I want to make music that i like, not try to add
weird stuff just to be superoriginal.

DamageInc.: Good response, flattering, thank you!. It is always
good to have 10 ears or more listening. While
somethings are a matter of taste and what you like,
other tips may be of really good value and actually
improve the song. I always look into the tips i get,
and some might be an eyeopener for me.

WeAreInFlames: I agree, i definitly need someone to lay down a
vocal track for me. Comparing my music to Dimmu
Borgir is actually a big compliment for me. I guess
its the symphonic/piano parts that make you compare?

New song comming up soon. STILL IN NEED OF A GOOD VOCALST!
well you could make some riffs/melodies that doesnt follow the same pattern of going from 1 main note to the other and back, i hope you understand what i meant there, its hard to explain.

"Noname 2nd Edition" is history, the song is now called Death Parade

Alan Keillor (alkie from cakewalk forums) has written lyrics and added clean vocal to the song.

Mark Haigh (mgh from cakewalk forums) has done the screaming/growling vocals and added a solo guitar part.

The song has been remixed and mastered by myself, and i would really love if some of you would comment on
that, what's good and what's not. How can i improve if not?

The instrumental is still available from my soundclick page. If anyone else wants to try doing the vocals or
add something interesting please contact me :)

Thank you Mark and Alan :)