Thrash Metal Song ******* DESPOTIC ********


Jan 14, 2009
Just writing riffs and having fun, this is the result.

The song is called Despotic, and are missing vocals/lyrics.

If you like the song, please respond
If you hate the song, please respond
If you have any suggestion to how to improve the mix, please respond

And finally, if you think you can contribute to ANYTHING in this song, please respond.

If you think you have a good metal/rock voice and like to write lyrics please contact me, i would
love to collaborate on this song.

It seems to be very hard to find anyone at all. Don't be shy people!

Anyway, here it is:

Guitars are too midscooped. Because of that they have no body or agression.
Run the DI signal (if there is a DI) trough SoloC>8505>impulses.

Adjust the guitars and post it again.:headbang:
First of all, thank for responding everyone!

The guitarchain is DI. Guitar --> Mixer ----> Soundcard -----> VST

It's kinda strange, cause the element most people highlight is the guitar sound, so it is quite surprising to see the opposite here.

AEL89: hehe, your comment is spot on! :)

The guitars are midscooped, but that is the way thrash music is to me. But i will try to adjust the guitarsounds and remix it.
It's nice to get input, and most of all constructive criticism. That is what makes all of us better.

I'm afraid if i f*@! around to much with the guitar eq, i will have to do a complete remix of the whole song.

Thanks again!
Why not through a 5150, a Recto or another good tube amp?
Jesus, nowadays this seems an amp simulator's forum....

Probably because not everyone can afford a tube like that, not everyone is able to constantly be in an environment where they can have a 5150 cranked to 4 for several hours non stop and some people just prefer the sound of amp sims in the first place.
How is mid scooped guitars "the way through music is to me"?
Slayer, Megadeth and shit loads of other thrash bands were all about mid rangey tones so I have no idea where you're getting the idea that thrash metal is about mid scooping, because the only good thrash tones I and most other people have heard come from tones that actually have a decent amount of mid range. Honestly, those mid scooped tones like And Justice For All and Master of Puppets, just sounds like shit. It just takes all the punch, the life and the percussiveness out of the sound. All 3 of which are essential too.
Seriously, listen to something like United Abomination (it doesn't matter if you hate the music, I think the album is pretty medicore song wise, just listen to it for production ideas) as well as the new Headcrusher track for some good, mid rangey, actually nice sounding thrash metal tones.
Obviously don't copy those tones exactly, but is is a good reference point for what you need.
First of all, what's wrong with DI? I think some of the amp sims are pretty awesome if you take your time with them and mould your own sound.

Not that it an excuse, but i happen to have a wife and a 3y old daughter. They don't fancy loud music at all, at least not metal :)

I love Slayer and Megadeth, don't get me wrong.
"that is the way thrash music is to me" kinda got out wrong. I meant i enjoy midscooped guitars aswell, and i think the "master of puppets" guitar
sound is awesome. If you don't like midscooped guitars, doesn't mean that everyone else shouldn't. It not an absoulute fact.

Petrovsk Mizinski: Thank you for band tips :) I will check out United Abomination.

2000ContourSVT: If you didn't see Solo C or whatever, are you sure you could even hear that the guitarsound was DI? I think if you've
made up your mind that the music is crap before you heard it, well...... then it will probably sound crap.

This post shouldn't be about weather you like midscooped guitars or not. Or amp sims or not.

Thank for feedback :)
^I'm not trying to be an ass, but I think you're not getting what I'm saying. I'm genuinely trying to be helpful and so have several others in this thread, but you seem to just keep ignoring some of the stuff we're saying. If you're not willing to take these suggestions on board, how are you meant to improve?
2 other guys and myself have already commented that your guitars sound thin, fizzy and overly mid scooped.
You're asking how can you improve your mix and we are giving you an answer: boost the mids and the thickness of the guitar tracks. It's not about "about weather you like midscooped guitars or not", we know that, but the guitar tracks are an important element of the mix and they need to be drastically changed before the mix can really sound great.
Do you know why pro producers don't really do the mid scooped thing anymore? Because it just doesn't work that well, period.
You want to add more life, more punch and body to your mix AND guitars?? Add some mids to the guitars.
Look man.

The reason why i post here in the first place was to get helpful tips and constructive critisism. But there is so much more to the song than the sound of the guitars. I was hoping
to get a little input on the arranging, mix, composition as a whole. It's great that you also comment about the guitar sound, but if you don't like mid scooped guitar sound (which is highly successful), then
you probably won't like my sound. Pantera, Metallica, Machine Head all use mid scooped guitars. I would say the those band have been quite successful, don't your think? If i understand you correctly, you
think "Master Of Puppets" and "Cowboys From Hell" are badly mixed? If so, than there is nothing wrong with that opinion, but you can't take away the fact that MANY people disagree with that.

The point is, just because you don't like them, doesn't mean that other people won't like them? Is it automaticly bad mixing when there is mid scooped guitars?
I agree that scooping the mids takes away body and punch, but i really do like that tone. And it's perfectly okay that you don't like my guitartone, but please focus on the
other elements of the mix. It seems to me that you are not a newbie and have some experience on mixing. I could use some input from you on other areas.

I'm not trying to be an ass myself, and i do like constructive critisism. I'm just trying to make a point here.

Have a good one! :)
Sounds great !!!!! Guitars need a high pass on them as they rumble too much in the lower end and lower mids destroying the bass guitar and kick presence, try a high pass at 100-120 on the guitars and also try to cut 300-400 hz, that should tighten them up and free up bottom end for the bass and kick to pop through !
rp069: Thanks man, i'll check that out right away. I love those specific tips! Much appreciated!
Slayer, Megadeth and shit loads of other thrash bands were all about mid rangey tones so I have no idea where you're getting the idea that thrash metal is about mid scooping, because the only good thrash tones I and most other people have heard come from tones that actually have a decent amount of mid range. Honestly, those mid scooped tones like And Justice For All and Master of Puppets, just sounds like shit. It just takes all the punch, the life and the percussiveness out of the sound. All 3 of which are essential too.

dude you didn't actually call those shit tones did you?! Do you not realise Justice is an amazing album because of Metallica being egotistical idiots/feeling empty without cliff. Its more than a tone, its them putting across everything they were feeling into a record. If anyone asks me what my favourite album is in terms of production I say Justice straight away, even though I know it sounds turd. It just comes across so well, you get the vibe of the whole album after one song. Its more than just tone dude, c'mon... you need to start meditating over your riffs and thinking about the deeper meaning of tones. Fair play to James Hetfield for literally having mids at 0 and turning Newstead's bass to -inf.dB, it wouldn't have been the same album if he didn't. Sorry for being a hippy, I'm gonna go now and contemplate things beyond perception...:kickass:
Wow, brutal shit. That was awesome!

There was a big difference between the songs and mixes. "Calculated Act Of Brutality" really stood out mixingwise, awesome guitar sounds.
Very nice instrument separation, sounds really pro in my opinion.
Guys, don't get me wrong, I'll listen to anything if the music is good. Good music always outshines bad production/bad tones. I HATE the guitar tones on AJFA and MoP and KEA (RTL does sound a little better), yes I DO think they are SHIT tones, but guys, where do you think I learnt my thrash metal chops on guitar? From those 4 albums and the early Megadeth albums (which also don't have the best tones ever). I HATE the Pantera guitar tones, but where do you think I learnt how to play groove metal? From Pantera of course.
They are all great albums, but I don't think they are particularly good standards for modern metal production anymore.
We are in a day and age where we can have so much more body and punch in the guitar sound, so why not take advantage of that?
If not for this mix, perhaps something to try out in the future at the least?