Metal: The soundtrack to violence.


May 26, 2002
Visit site
I don't know how many people here are familiar with the website but if not, it's basically for adults. Mostly violent or shocking news stories with related multimedia attached.
Anyway, the reason why I bring it up is because seemingly all the video footage runs along side various metal tracks.Even though I haven't seen all the movies (I maintain a morbid curiosity but I'm not that twisted), what I did witness was accompanied by artists such as Meshuggah, Hate Eternal, Fuck I'm Dead, Malevolent Creation and I think, Blood Red Throne.
Nothing else.Just metal.
Anyway, I muted a few of the movies and noticed that the sludgy distortion, triggered bass drums and vocals from hell all made a huge difference to the levels of discomfort felt while watching some unlucky Asian man break his leg during a kickboxing match.
It left me thinking how powerful this whole genre is.Even without knowing the lyrical content (though I don't doubt it was similar to most of the multimedia content), the extremity of what you're watching becomes 10 fold while the dread just becomes THAT MUCH HEAVIER.
Has anyone else seen this place?
Avoid the Ogrish BB at all costs. Everyone talks tough (a lot of them come across as very racist) and they absolutely will not tolorate criticism. A lot of them think pictures of dead children are funny. Then they get all offended when you call them assholes. It took me exactly 20 minutes to be banned from their board. Pussies.
Yeah, I looked at the comments page and noticed that most of them have the intelligence of an inbred pirate.
That whole website makes me uncomfortable.I'm by no means easily shocked but the place has such a strong feeling of depravity.