Metal Thursday (show)

dan of bereavement

shroud of bereavement
Jun 6, 2004
Amesbury mass
If you are in the area, may I suggest you go to this. This place is a blast and there is just a great line-up of great local metal bands here. Also we will be playing for 60 minutes!


:kickass: :kickass: :headbang: :headbang: :kickass: :kickass: :puke: :puke: :puke:
They're not having you guys do any of that lame ass "sell tickets" shit, right?
Metal Thursdays are pretty cool shows. You get a few regulars who come out, even on slower nights, and generally the people are cool. Also, the sound doesn't suck unless the band's own sound has issues. Pictures generally come out well, too, because of the stage lighting they have. Color Kinetics Colorblast 12 LED fixtures that give a really saturated look, which you don't always capture in pictures where conventional stage lighting is used. Would be nice if they did some color changes from time to time, though...those lights can be made to switch between a ton of different colors, but it seems like they always just have them set to blue.
Well you know man.. Metal guys are all dorks so it's probably a reference to Smurfs or Farscape.
God if I didn't have to work this would be such a homoserotic show Larry Flynt would demand DVD rights.
Haha nice theory you got going there, mang. I don't even get to my car until almost midnight way the trains run. I know you guys think you're really fugging awesome but only way I'd make your gig is using one of my precious vacation days so NYAH.
Great theory except I don't get paid until Friday and until then have naught but $0.05 refundable beer bottles to my name.
That was probably the first Shroud show where I could totally dork out. In the past, there's always been this flub that takes me out of The Zone. Someone apparently says "fuck being in key. I wanna dance!" A member smokes too much *ahem* before the show and gets lost. Yeah maybe Ari needs to learn to secure his guitar pieces *before* the set. Perhaps Ari needs to focus more on the notes and let the audience do his rocking out for him on nights when there are people who don't drink in attendance. But look... the flubs were so minor that the audience *could* just rock out right through them which was a very nice change.
One suggestion though... make Katie's vox more audible. I can't tell her she rocked.