Metal Thursday (show)

That switch tip is usually on pretty securely...don't understand how it fell off!

It should only take me a couple more shows before I'm at the point where I can rock out like that *and* play everything right. Totally different environment from the practice room, and it's been a while since I've been on a stage where the energy was actually there.

BTW, Chris told me that we sounded awesome, and that he could hear everything.
Congrats to the other members of this band, I think we played a convincing set that threw away all the stress that I was feeling all night. Rock! I had a lot of fun last night and it was great to see all the peeps out on a Thursday night. Respect!! Other than my pedal acting super weird, I almost played a perfect set. I don't know what happened, when I switched to clean it was a distorted sound, every time. huh.
Oh I know, Ari. Just ragging on you a bit. The only one I heard making negative comments about your performance was you. The energy in the room was such that if you dropped a note only ones in a position to notice were on stools at the bar with notepads.
As for the sound... I overheard a fair amount of "can't hear Katie" sentiment around me. If Chris could, my guess is it's about like the guy who only sees a sheet of stone because he's a few inches from the mountain. My seat was great visually but it's looking like my headache is more from headbutting Dan's monitor than anything sonic.